3. Punishment and end

Start from the beginning

"Are you still asking?
Asking about all the frenzies of people since ancient times
And who is there far away?
Asking about how to measure black and white, praises and blames.
How can it be forgotten?
The promise we made together in deep clouds will  follow you till end
and where are you now?
Facing each other I will not forget."

"The brightest pearl of the world named Light holder( hanguang jun)
known by everyone to be wherever the chaos is
yet he refuses to forget
Everything he had experienced in his life
Avoid worldly affairs lives up to its name
yet it his hard to avoid the madness of love, hate ,right and wrong of this world
sound of zither echoes in jingshi
playing a song of inquiry but answered by no soul"

"Are you still asking?
Asking all the frenzies of people since ancient times
And who is there far away?
Asking again how to measure black and white, praises and blames?
How can it be forgotten?
The promises we made together in deep clouds will follow you till end
And where are you now?
Facing each other I will not forget."

As he finishes the song he felt like his end is near so he did something he wanted to do for very long but was delaying because of his brother.

In hanshi

"what is it wangji?" lan qiren asked

" shifu,  xiongzhang wangji want to leave clouds recesses."  Lan wangji asked while bowing his head.

" of course you can go wangji what is there to ask you should have sent someone to inform us."   Lan xichen said but his heart was trembling , he know his baby brother wanted to leave his clan long ago but was hesitating because of him call him selfish but he wanted to be selfish for once he don't want to loose his baby brother and uncle he lost almost everything in his life, his own sworn brother used him in brutal way he already made mistake by not trusting his baby brother causing the death of love of his brother he already regrets everything so he don't want to loose his brother.

wangji raise his head while looking at his brother they were both communicating wit their eyes , wangji knew that his brother knows what he is talking about but just denying it.

"xiongzhang you know what I am talking about."  Wangji said not wanting to step back.
"but.." " let him go xichen"  lan qiren said shocking xichen. Lan qiren sighed
"let him go xichen he had suffered enough."  xichen just got more sad after hearing his uncles word.
Wangji bid farewell and defected from lan clan but lan qiren asked wangji to keep his forhead ribbon.
Lan wangji defected from lan clan this news spread faster than corona in the cultivation world. Lan wangji just look back once and walked away from the every thing.

After 3 months

Lan wangji was in meditation and he had a hunch that his ending is near . After meditation he got up and went in forest for a night hunt. Many cultivators were there almost from every clan since they heard about a unknown force from forest.
After 3 months wangji saw his brother and greeted him but suddenly a beast show up they were working together to finish this beast up but this beast seems more powerful. Soon jiang cheng also assisted them lan wangji frowned thinking 3 best cultivators were hitting the beast still it wasn't showing any sign of weakness suddenly wangji saw the eyes of beast turning green for a second and thought of attacking the beast he attacked the beast and he hit a jackpot since his eyes were his weakness and beast started dying, After the beast died suddenly a bright light showed

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