1. Separation

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Lan wangji's pov

"where is this?"  He thought he was surrounded by darkness. He started looking around but he can't see anything because it is really dark. Suddenly he saw something that made him skip his heartbeat. Wei ying was standing in front of him while giving him his beautiful smile that looked quiet sad. 
"lan zhan why are you doing this to yourself?  you aren't worth this pain."  said wei ying almost crying.  Lan wangji was trying to capture his beauty when Wei wuxian suddenly started walking in another direction. lan wangji followed him after walking for who knows how long he saw bright light. Wei wuxian was walking toward that light that came through a big door lan wangji was following him when suddenly wei wuxian turned around and stop him from crossing the door.
"don't cross this door lan zhan. you shouldn't follow me."  Wei ying said
"what's the point of me staying in jianghu when you aren't there? I will follow you wherever you go wei ying please don't leave me." lan zhan said while in tears.
wei ying approached him , his voice was shaking as he said " lan zhan I am not leaving you at all. I am going to stay with you. it's just you can't see me these whole 2 and half years I was with you all the time I saw how you are still bedridden. I saw how you got punished. I saw how you became drunk and breaked your clan rules for the first time even if you liked them so much. Lan zhan I saw.............sa.....saw.....how you bur...... bu........ burned yourself with that wen iron at same position. Lan zhan I am really really really sorrry that I didn't think about you when I jumped , I shouldn't have left you alone. I chose to live for so many people and reason but how useless I am I didn't live for you lab zhan I should have lived for you. I shouldn't have left you alone.  Lan zhan please I begging you stop hurting yourself and don't give up on your life. I beg you lan zhan......I beg you."  Wei ying said while sobbing while lan zhan was just speechless that his wei ying was actually with him. when he was feeling and hearing voices of Wei ying it wasn't illusion wei ying was there . 
"lan zhan please listen carefully look how xichen ge is getting desperate how he is blaming himself. Lan zhan your brother was always there for you, you can't do this to him please don't give up .If you give up we maybe never be able to see each other again. Please lan zhan don't give up." As wei ying said to listen carefully he indeed heard some weeping sounds of his brother and his frustrated uncle.
"Okay wei ying just this once. for the sake of our reunion I will listen to you. stay with me I will follow you and we will meet soon."  Lan zhan said this to his wei ying and at that very moment he opened his eyes and saw how vulnerable his brother was.
" di di please breathe di di please di di you are my only family I don't want you to left me like our parents did ." lan xichen said while crying to be very honest lan zhan has never saw his brother crying like this. When he saw bit far from his brother his eyes widened in surprise his uncle had the bloodshot eyes his robe was disheveled he wasn't like that strict master lan who nag at others for not following rules. He never saw his uncle like that either. He was feeling very very weak he didn't know really what happened to him he was having a nightmare where his beloved died then he saw those darkness and his wei ying.

Later he came to know that his body was getting weaker and weaker because he was trying to follow wei wuxian. But even now his condition wasn't getting better That was because even if he agreed to what his wei ying said it's just against his will.

Lan xichen was shocked when he came to know about the visitor coming to cloud reccess  well he wasn't shocked about having a visitor he was shocked about the visitor's identity. He hurriedly walk to visitor to greet her.
" hello sect leader lan I am baoshan sanren. " The lady introduced herself well there was actually no need for introduction but she wanted to be polite.
" Greeting grandmaster sanren  The purpose of your visit must be really important as you never associated yourself with cultivation world?"  Lan qiren said while trying to compose himself as he was panicked because the great baoshen sanren never actually left her mountain.
"yes, the reason I came here is indeed very important so not wanting to waste any time I want to meet lan er gonzi ." Baoshen sanren said.
Lan xichen was shocked to hear that this great immortal was here for his brother maybe she will cure him.
"greeting grandmaster I will take you to my brother."  Lan xichen said while signaling her to follow him.
The reach jingshi where lan wangji was almost laying lifeless.
baoshen sanren asked everyone to go out of jingshi.
"open your eyes child."  she said.
Lan wangji opened his eyes and frowned seeing a young lady in his private chamber but didn't said anything.
"let me introduce myself I am baoshen sanren I am here to cure you and to tell you something important."  Lan wangji was shocked to hear that this young lady is baoshen sanren and she is at least 120 years old. He knew if the immortal came to visit him the thing she want to tell him must be important and he gathered all of his remaining energy to greet her not only because she was righteous immortal but also his wei ying's grandmother.
"No need to greet me my child . Just focus on yourself but now hear what I am going to say very attentively as it is very important."

Lan wangji widened his eyes in shock after hearing what the immortal was saying and he wanted to get better almost immediately.

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