5. Playing around

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Wei ying's Pov

I was meeting with my professor that old man again gave me projects . I am so sick of it , well maybe I am gonna pay someone to do it for me anyways. After ignoring that old man I started hanging out with my bestie jiang yanli. We were bored for a whole day so we decide to watch movie together . After the movie I was still bored so I just decide to sleep. Sleeping is my favorite thing aside from eating. No matter what the situation I just slept it off.

When I woke up I couldn't find yanli We were in her house I call her asked her where she is she just replied  that she is out there buying me noodles but all of a sudden I heard a voice threatening her. I jumped off my bed and rushed toward the place. As I reached I saw the stinky guy he peng That damn bastard was harassing her ,my blood boiled and I punched him strong.
"you damn women how dare you hit me!!"  He peng exclaimed and throw punch at me but as I come from a wealthy family and there are several things like this so I know how to fight I twisted his arm and throw him on the ground.

" you are gonna regret it I will get back at you"  He peng shouted and I smirked I couldn't care less about his warning just because I am a women he thinks I can't defend myself or m friends . I grabbed yanli's hand and stormed out of that damn place.

" you don't know ah- ying but he is dangerous not a simple man."  Yanli warned me
"Even if he is mafia I will again make a same choice I don't care he deserves it anyway."  I said carelessly.

Author's pov

" you are gonna regret this women."  He peng said and gritted his teeth in hatered.
He treated himself and rushed toward his friends. They all go to bar and started drinking.
" well don't you guys think we didn't had any fun with womens for a long time."  He peng said and everyone agreed.

lan zhan's pov

I was drinking with my friends when he peng said that we didn't had any fun with women's lately well that was true. Friends in my group all are playboys having fun with both men and women but I didn't join them as it was boring for me.
"  do you have any women in target ge?"  haoxuan exclaimed.
"  of course I have  there is a girl name wei ying in college she is beautiful as fuck , she had a perfect figure , her boobs and ass are also big let's have fun with her but who is gonna trap her."  He peng said
As he peng said about wei ying my blood boiled with rage How dare he!!!  this bitch .. I wanted to punch him but I couldn't he is son of my father's partner in buisness I can't do anything for now and fuck they are dangerous what if they harm wei ying I don't want any men to play with her and I wanted her so taking advantage of situation I volunteered.
" well I want to , this time let me play with her. "  As I said all my friends were shocked
" why suddenly ?"  Haoxuan asked
" I never played with any women now I am kind of bored so why not?"  I replied and they all started laughing
" yeah yeah sure but make sure to have sex with her before leaving her , her good figure can't be wasted."  He peng said and I smirked.

Wei ying's pov 

He peng that idiot how dare he?!!  but nevermind . It's 11 Pm I want to sleep then I took out my phone to see my crush. I blushed my god he is so handsome ahhhh Lan wangji he is so damn good looking I wonder if I can talk to him. Thinking  about him I fell asleep.

Lan zhan's  pov

shit I can't think how to approach her I never approached anyone before I just know that she should think it's natural. I was thinking about it when my bestfriend seungyoun reminded me of my basketball match I wonder if she will come to my match.

Wei ying's pov

I was getting ready for college and at most I was excited for the basketball match. The ice prince will play how can I miss it.

" yanli will you accompany me to watch basketball match?" 
" How can I not then your crush is coming there" 
Yanli was grinning and teasing me I blushed.

we walked toward the basketball court , occupied our seats we soon saw lan zhan coming in court I was super excited but my heart flew when he looked at me while smiling.

The boys were playing match and OUR DEPARTMENT WAS LOSING!!!!   I saw lan zhan he had ball in his hand when suddenly he looked at me and give me look- carefully- what-i -am -going-to-do smirk. He throw the ball it was goal and what was more surprising time was over in this all hustle bustle I didn't carefully calculated time but his calculation was on point and with that goal we won I screamed my lungs out cheer for them. I watched lan zhan for few more minutes when yanli dragged me we were going for lunch when suddenly lan zhan came out of nowhere and holds my hand.

" you .....can we be friends?"  He asked me I was suddenly very nervous , and I was shocked but still I nodded

" alright then let's meet tommorow at 8 am in library I guess you are junior in our department ? you still need to pay more attention toward study."  He said gave me a charming smile , when I nodded he left.
I was so shocked that i froze yanli kept calling me but I didn't respond I was processing what just happened .

"  LAN ZHAN BECAME MY FRIEND HOHOJOOOOOOOOO."   I sreamed causing yanli to get starled she calm me down and dragged me toward canteen.

lan zhan's  pov

she agreed to be friend this need to be celebrated. I watched her screaming that she became my friend.
" what a kid."  I chuckled at her behavior.

" wangji did you succeed? "  He peng asked me out of nowhere and my face suddenly darkened. I need to protect her from this peice of shit.

" No"  I said coldly and left

I was looking forward to tommorow.


Author's note

I will soon introduce our characters and some information about them.

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