Chapter 54 | I packed you a sweater

Start from the beginning

"I figured the baby bump would tell them Lils" I glance down at my intruding belly and sigh. It would be our first trip while I'm pregnant, it was a little nerve racking.

Being 50 thousand feet in the air was a scary thought now. I never used to think much of it, but now everything scares me. I felt like a glass Christmas ornament just hanging from a tree. One wrong move or misstep I could shatter. 

"What if your grandmother hates me? She didn't even attend our wedding, and your aunts and cousins? What if they all hate me?" His fingers rummage through my hair as he just stares at me, smiling at my rambling.

"Our wedding was on short notice and they had a trip planned, I told them it was alright to not show. Plus they'd meet you eventually, though eventually meant never-"

"What! Are they that bad" I felt my nerves begin to build up, it all seemed so stressful.

"They are fine, especially Grandma. She was just excited to learn that I've married and she'll be happy to know her first great grand child is on the way" He bent down and kissed my bump.

"Now get ready and let's go" He turned on the shower and stepped inside the steam. I stared at him as he removed his remaining boxers leaving me with the view of his ass. It looked almost too good at the moment and as he turned, he saw it on my face.

"Can I join you?" I whisper softly as a small blush fills my face. I bite my lip as my eyes drop from his face downwards shamelessly.

"We have to make it quick Princess" He steps forward taking my hand in his and removing my shirt for me. My underwear falls to the ground and I'm pulled into his embrace as the glass shower door closes behind me.

Before I can think I'm turned to my back and he steady my hands against the stone wall. His cock strokes my entrance and my stomach fills with butterflies. I rub against him feeling needy in the moment causing him to take a sharp breath.

"I need you now Hayes" I feel his teeth glide against my shoulder trailing up towards my neck and just as he nuzzled into it, he thrusts in taking me by surprise. I gasp out in pleasure as I feel myself clench around him slightly.

"Fuck, you're wet" The heat of the shower rains down on us as he begins to pump in and out of me. My hands grip the wall as I let out a staggered moan. His hands make their way from my as up to my full boobs. They were more swollen and ached than usual.

He wraps his hands around the both of them slowly and gently. Then he begins to massage them causing me to lean my head backs against them.

"Hayes, oh fuck" I rasp as he continues both movements sending me into overdrive. He groans against my ear as he feels my legs begin to shake as my orgasm drew closer. He lets go of one of my boobs and slips his fingers down my blossoming stomach towards my clit.

I let out a scream as he presses down on it, I felt him pulse inside of me as I could barely hold on "I'm gonna cum" I warn as he continues holding me tightly against his chest.

"Then come for me Lils" With that I felt a fire burning in my abdomen and it quickly released. He pumped faster into me as I let out an earth shaking scream.

"Shit, oh fuck- yeah good girl, come on this dick" He goes faster as I felt myself tighten around his cock milking him.

"Don't stop" I whimpered as he continues to pump as I ride out my orgasm. He sucks against my neck as his other hand removes itself from my boob and holds my stomach as I press against the wall.

He lets out a gutted groan and I feel him come inside me. As he pulls out I feel him drip down my leg as I lean back into his chest.

"I love you so much" I whisper "I'd marry you all over again if I could" I feel his lips smile against me as we remained still in the shower. The hot rain against our skin as his hands wrapped around my belly.

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