· Bar Fight ·

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Thank you, guys, for being so patient! Here's a new chapter and here's to a new account lmao


Holly's POV


It's been a few days since JJ talked to Callux and I talked to Ryan. I've been staying at home with Ella, enjoying the summer sun and the pool in the garden, still unable to get Ryan out of my head. I guess I've also been avoiding Callux and it's weird because we used to be close and friendly. After he screamed at me, our relationship felt shattered, and now I don't want to go near him. I know it's probably a trauma response, but it feels more than that somehow.

"Uno!" Ella yells, putting a yellow seven on top of the pile of cards with a grin.

I groan. "How do you win every time?"

"I haven't won yet"

"Yeah- yet," I chuckle, putting down a yellow plus two.

Ella glares at me before retrieving two cards from the pack in the middle of the table. I look out the window as she determines her next move, wondering where the sunny weather has gone. There's been two weeks of summer and now it's rainy and cold again. To be honest, I'm not complaining. I far prefer the rain and cold to the stifling summer heat. Who wants to be sweaty and hot and sticky constantly?

"Your go," Ella says, returning my attention to the game.

I also put down a red two and pair it off with a green two. Ella laughs manically and puts down two of her cards, winning the game.

"Can't believe you'd do that to me," I sigh, shaking my head. "AGAIN? You win, AGAIN?"

Ella shrugs. "I'm just...the best"

"Well, winner shuffles, sooo," I laugh, pushing my cards towards her. "I'm going to go get another drink. You want one?"

"No thanks, sweetie"

I get up from the sofa and walk into the kitchen. Charlie's lying on his dog bed, tongue out the side of his mouth, his eyes shut. I always wonder what dogs dream about. Do they dream like humans and make up fake scenarios? Do they dream about tennis balls and biting the mailman? Or do they simply just not dream at all?

I give Charlie a scratch behind the ears and then reach into the fridge for a refill of some Lipton lemon iced tea. It's been my favourite drink lately and I don't know why, it's just good.

I take a sip from the glass and close my eyes. I feel slightly dizzy again like I have been during the last few days, probably caused by the Callux situation and the fact that my A-level results are due on the 17th. The dizziness is probably more likely because of the lack of sleep, but I don't dare let JJ or Ella know that. They've got enough to worry about.

I open my eyes and almost have a heart attack. Ryan stands outside the kitchen window, a grin on his face when I notice him. I feel a fluttery sensation in my stomach at the sight of his eyes and reach over the chopping board to slide the window up.

"Hey, stranger"

"Hey," I reply, taking another sip of my drink. "What's up?"

Ryan scoffs. "What do you mean? You haven't answered any of my texts, doofus"

"I've been playing Uno with Ella. She keeps winning"

"That must suck"

"Are you here for any particular reason, or just to gloat?"

"Gloat, perhaps"

I go to shut the window, but Ryan's quicker and holds it up before I get the chance. I bite back a smile. He's funny when he wants to be.

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