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Wedmesdays pov:

Me and Enid got ready for our classes as we chose mornings, so we would have time with the twins and as everyone else was having morning classes too.

I arranged my tie and I was all set, the twins where still asleep cuddled together Audrey's head was ontop of Isreals head and they slept still, I looked at enid as she was in the bathroom and she was still having trouble doing certain things, so I helped her put her skirt, socks and shoes on.

She kissed my cheek and walked out the bathroom.

Enid started to talk low so we wouldn't wake the twins, as tehy slept long despite how much babies sleep as they are on and off, out babies are heavy sleepers and sleep for a long time .

I looked down at them, it was tearing my whole body and soul apart literally, I've never been apart from her for so long.

There was a soft knock at the door, it was yoko and divina, they were babysitting for us.

Enid started to fo over what to do, if the babies woke up when we were not there, what to feed them, and how to calm then and what toys where their favorites

It broke wednesdays heart to leave them it truly did, it was like losing a part of herself .

Enid and wednesday said goodbye to their babies and left.

Yoko and devinia just sat on enids bed, together and divina asked yoko

" so they are heavy sleepers yea?"

Yoko nodded guessing
And replied

" yea their daughter aubrey is the calmest and I'd think the most assuring to be honest she's always snuggling with her twin brother, nd assuring him since, they think or they will get him tested for anxiety or something since hes weird around new people."

Divina nodded and looked at them both, Isreal started to wake up first but divina replied to her girlfriends statement

" yea Enid was telling me about Isreal and how he gets really upset after new people leave after they visit and hold him. "

Isreal started to whine and wheep

Divina went over to see them and Isreal was squirming and aubrey was starting to wake up slowly .

Isreal started to scream and fuss and cry loud

Divina held him calm and rocked him assuringly with a gentle and soft pace to ease his fussing.

He was hungry instantly, yoko got him a bottle and divina held him softly, he was actually calming fast, he held his bottle as sivina fed him and he snuggled into her arm more, aubrey wanted out too so yoko grabbed aubrey out, aubrey held onto tokos sweatshirt, and cooed in her arms .

Isreal was suprisingly calm and less fussy around others, he was more comfortable with divina and yoko since, wednesday and Enid had them come over for a little bit before they babysat the twins so the babies would be comfortable with them .

Isreal wanted his favorite toy, it was a little stuffed animal with a little blue bow tie, divina got it for him and he snuggled with it while divina held him un her arms, it made Isreal more at ease to him like, his mother's where there with him .

Aubrey wanted to crawl around so yoko let her crawl free, but of course yoko supervised and aubrey found s small box and she crawled inside, it was just a box nothing inside, she sat in it like she ruled the box .

Isreal on the other hand was started to fall alseep in divinas arms while snuggling the stuffed animal .

Divina looked down at Isreal he was sleeping his fists also clenched divinas  sweater, she smiled down at him as he rested in her arms .

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