be careful

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Me and Enid discussed her mother was nearby and Enid is now 4 months and a half pregnant she had gotten more weight it shows off her belly more since her baby grew fast but was tiny as they went to get ultra sounds at the doctors .

However Enid felt odd it wasn't her sickness it wad over by now she felt a kick and hands pressing

Wednesday noticed

" Enid what's wrong ?"

Enid gestured her wife to scoot over more

She held Wednesdays head down to hear the heart beat and to feel a kick

Wednesday gasped

" is that teh b-baby kicking?"

Enid replied

" sure is they are growing so fast but the baby is quite small actually, isn't it a cool feeling and a sound of out babies heartbeat ?"

Wednesday layed her head on Enjds now noticeable belly bump

She started to talk to the baby

And kiss enids belly

" we love you already so much little one "
As she rubbed and kissed enids belly

Enid replied

" we are, we can't wait for you, your already so special and previous already sweetheart "

Wednesday got up and got dressed for the day putting some black pants on as usual a white shirt and a black vest .

Enid said

" I'm coming wendesday one sec"

Wednesday loved her pregnant wife even more that they I'll have a little family now

She saw her belly it looks so cute to wednesday and how it's starting to be more plump looking

" yes wednesday ?"

Wednesday didnt know she was staring so hard

" nothing I just love looking at you"

Enid smiled and continued to get dressed

Enid put some cargo pants on a longsleeve, hopdie and a vest.

She wanted to match with wednesday

" are you excited?"

Wednesday replied

" actually yes, I in a way miss yoko,divina and Bianca"

She smiled and kissed Wednesdays nose

They drove down snd they entered in a little restaurant and they all sat down.

They all knew enjd wad pregnant she told them a little before Weems

" so how is everything holding uo and the baby?"

Yoko asked

Divina added

" I know this is off topic but I can't wait to be aunt divina it has a great ring to it "

Enid smiled and let Bianca say something

" we are all excited for you and wednesday, we're probably almost just as excited as you two ."

Enid replied

" well the baby is actually doing good I go for monthly ultrasounds since I'm  half werewolf you know, the doctor said she wants to keep an eye on our baby just incase, she's small but perfectly healthy though."

She rubbed her belly I'm circles as she talked about her soon to be baby .

Yoko asked

" if you need a baby sitter you should choose us."

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