Gina apparently took those words to heart, because once the song started, she acted like a whole other person. She pushed Ricky around the stage – quite literally – and acted so confident that Dylan could tell that Ricky's head was spinning. At one point, he even had him push her up against the wall, and Ricky had even grabbed her waist to dip her.

Dylan watched the whole thing in amusement. She knew Gina had a confidence within her but she never thought she'd see Gina act like this. The tension between her and Ricky was off the charts, and Dylan placed her hands on her lips, a small smirk on her face. Interesting.

Despite all of this, it ended sweet. They stood on the platform of the stage, the curtain opened behind them to reveal some lights. They both had small smiles on their faces as they stood close to each other, holding onto the last note.

But then everything faded, and Dylan's smirk fell from her face because Gina suddenly got a panicked look on her face. She dropped her hands and stared up at her friends in concern. Gina suddenly turned, leaving the barn.

"All right, let's take a five, everyone." EJ instructed.

Dylan turned and swiftly walked out of the barn in the direction that Gina went in. She saw the girl leaning up against the tree outside. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Gina nodded. "It was just a bit much, you know."

"I get it." Dylan smiled. "I'm always here for you."

"Thanks Dyl." Gina hugged her tightly. "You're my best friend, remember that."

"Of course." Dylan stated, a little confused but nodding nonetheless.

Gina smiled at her once more before beginning to walk off. Dylan stared at her, slightly confused but her confused expression turned to a smile once again when Gina gestured behind her, the girl turning to see EJ approaching the duo.

"D." EJ greeted, back in his button-up and jeans inside of the ridiculous reindeer outfit. "Hey."

He placed his hand on her arm. Dylan smiled at him, stepping away slightly. Suddenly, everything was too much for her.

"I know that the reindeer costume is upsetting." EJ continued. "Well, maybe not for you, but... are you mad at me?"

"Mad at you? No. I'm just... confused." Dylan stated. "I think Gina got in my head."

"Confused about what? Look I know today was weird but we'll properly hang out when this whole Corbin thing is sorted out. I promise." EJ reassured her.

"Will we?" Dylan retorted. "Look, EJ, I get that you're trying, okay? But, if you haven't noticed, you and I have been living totally different summers."

EJ nodded. "I know. I know. But I promise tomorrow will be better, okay?"

"EJ, please don't keep making promises you can't keep." Dylan told him pleadingly.

EJ didn't say anything, Dylan nodding as she brushed past him, going back to the barn. She walked back into the barn to see everyone gathering in front of Channing. She caught eyes with Kourtney who did nothing but extend her arm out to her. Dylan went to stand by her and sunk into Kourtney side, the girl putting a comforting arm around Dylan. EJ came back in as well, his faze on anything else but her as she stood at the middle of their group.

"Well I underestimates you guys." Channing admitted, packing up all his equipment. "What a mess. And I mean mess in an award-winning way." He then laughed. "You were terrified. You guys should've seen your faces. That was good. All right, Channing out."

Carlos stepped forwards, waiting until Channing left to turn to all of them excitedly. "Congratulations, everyone. We did it."

"Thanks for being our fearless leader, Carlos." Val told him. "You have a very weird gift."

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