Group Chat - Class 1-A 💥

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[9:00 AM]

Todoroki: Hey, everyone! I wanted to invite you all to dinner tonight at my place. Just a casual get-together to unwind after all the recent hero training.

Kirishima: Sounds awesome, Todoroki! Count me in!

Midoriya: I'm in too! Thanks for inviting us, Todoroki.

Uraraka: I'll be there too! I'm excited to try your cooking, Todoroki.

Todoroki: Great! Looking forward to seeing all of you tonight. Remember, no plus ones. Sorry, Mineta.

[5:00 PM]

Uraraka: Hey, guys! Are you ready for Todoroki's dinner tonight? I'm so hungry!

Kirishima: Absolutely, Uraraka! I can't wait to eat. Todoroki's cooking is legendary.

Midoriya: Yeah, I'm excited too! It's always nice to hang out with everyone outside of class.

Uraraka: I agree! It'll be fun. By the way, has anyone noticed that Todoroki has been acting a bit different lately?

Kirishima: Different? How do you mean, Uraraka?

Uraraka: Well, he's been more friendly and inviting lately, like this dinner tonight. I wonder if something's up?

Midoriya: Hmm, I haven't noticed anything, but it could be possible. Maybe he just wants to spend more time with the class outside of training.

Uraraka: Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I'm just overthinking it.

[7:00 PM - Todoroki's Place]

Uraraka: Wow, Todoroki! This dinner is amazing! You're such a great cook!

Todoroki: Thank you, Uraraka. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I wanted to make something special for everyone.

Midoriya: Todoroki, you're really talented. You should consider opening your own restaurant someday.

Kirishima: Totally! I'd eat at Todoroki's restaurant all the time!

Uraraka: Me too! I'd be your number one customer, Todoroki!

Todoroki: Thanks, guys. That means a lot coming from all of you.

[Later that night]

Uraraka (thinking): I had such a great time tonight, but why does it feel like everyone was just being nice? Maybe I'm just imagining things. I wish someone would be honest about their feelings for once.

[The next day at school]

Uraraka: Hey, Todoroki! Thanks again for last night. The food was amazing!

Todoroki: You're welcome, Uraraka. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Uraraka (thinking): Maybe I should ask Todoroki if he noticed anything strange about the others last night. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it's hard not to wonder.

Meanwhile, in the background:

Kirishima (to Midoriya): Do you think Uraraka suspects anything?

Midoriya: I don't think so. We've done a good job keeping our feelings a secret. It's tough, but we don't want to make things awkward for her.

Kirishima: Yeah, you're right. We should continue supporting her as friends and let things happen naturally.

And so, the story continues with Uraraka blissfully unaware of the feelings hidden within her harem of admirers. But as their friendship strengthens, who knows what the future holds for these aspiring heroes and their complicated love dynamics.

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