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Hello and welcome to the pilot chapter of The Boy from the Sea!

(P.S. Yet another Metamorphosis remix)



Kirishima's POV:

I tread slowly along the shoreline, watching the water dance up and down the sand. A few seagulls are calling in the distance, and the smell of salt fills the air. I frown a bit as I think of how much mom would've enjoyed this.

When I'm king, I'll find a way to cure every illness!

My thoughts wander as I think of all the other things I'll do as king. My concentration breaks when I notice a swarm of seagulls crowding around something partially submerged in water.

I wonder what it is...

I shoo all the seagulls away, and my eyes widen as I see what it is. A boy that looks about 16 is in the water, unconscious. He's wearing a beat up and torn shorts and shirt, and his hair is matted and damaged from the salt water. There are markings on his face, a thin diamond under each of his eyes, and a few small markings framing his eyes. I bend down and try to drag him to shore, only to almost fling him away.

He is way too light!

I pick him up and set him on a dry part of the shore. I shake him to try to get him to wake up, and his eyes open slightly.

Me: Hey, wake up! What happened to you? Are you okay?

His eyes are out of focus as he tries to look at me. He mutters something I can't understand and falls limp again. I shake him more, but don't get a response. Now even more worried than before, I pick him up again and rush to the castle, hoping he's okay.

Me: Todoroki!

I call as I bust through the door. A few moments later Todoroki, one of the butlers who's my age (And my favorite) emerges from a room.

Todoroki: Welcome back, Prince Kiri- What are holding?

Me: I found this guy on the shore, and he's not waking up. We gotta help him!

Todoroki nods and motions for me to hand the boy to him.

Todoroki: I will bring him to the infirmary and let you know when he wakes up.

This time I nod, turning around to walk back up to my room.


I lay on my bed for what feels like hours, worrying about the boy and how he could've ended up there. I tried to do something to distract myself earlier, but I couldn't focus. So, I laid down on my bed, thoughts going around and around in the same circles they are now. I hear the click of my door opening and jolt up to see Todoroki.

Todoroki: Prince Kirishima. He woke up, but he didn't notice me in the room since I was careful to be quiet. I figured you would want to be the first to talk to him. I also moved him to a spare bedroom and changed his clothes.

Me: Thank you. Please bring me to him.

We rush through the halls until we arrive at a door. I'm about to knock, but decide against it, not wanting to startle him. I open the door carefully, and he is sitting up in the bed looking out the window. Now that his hair has been cleaned, it looks much fluffier. It's a deep forest green that goes well with his complexion. I walk farther into the room, Todoroki trailing behind me. He still doesn't notice we've entered the room, so I clear my throat. He whips his head around, a fearful look on his face. I'm about to say something, but I'm distracted by his eyes. They match his hair, and have a strange depth to them. If I looked for long enough, I'd probably get lost in them. But now is not the time to think about that.

Me: Hello, I am Prince Kirishima.

I wait for some response or question, but he gives me a confused look. I continue.

Me: I found you on the shore and brought you here.

His brow furrows in a deeper confusion, before looking at me.

Does he not understand our language? That make this a bit more complicated...

I try again.

Me: I am Prince Kirishima, what is your name?

I say it louder, enunciating each syllable. But he flinches back at the increase in volume and presses himself up against the window.

Maybe he knows sign language?

I sign to him while still saying my words slowly.

Me: Can you understand me?

His breathing becomes more rapid, and he pushes himself farther into the window.

Todoroki: Wait! That window isn't locked!

Just as he says that the window is pushed open, and the boy falls backward. The look on his face makes me spring into action, as I grab his hand and pull him back inside, all of us breathing rapidly. He seems to calm down a little, knowing that I was willing to save him.

My gaze falls on a soaked piece of paper on the bedside table. I pick it up and look at the weird symbols on it.

Todoroki: I apologize, I forgot to mention that I found that in the pocket of his old clothes.

Me: It's alright.

I turn to the boy slowly, trying not to startle him. He looks at me wearily, and I point to the paper.

Me: What does this say?

When he gives no reaction, I point to him and then to the paper. He cautiously takes the paper from me, and I can see the wheels turning in his head. He points to the paper and then himself, looking at me for confirmation. I nod, and he looks at the paper. He brightens as he look at it then looks back to me. He points to the paper.

???: I-Izu... Izuku.

He points to himself as he says the word. He gains a little confidence and repeats the motion again.

???: Izuku.

I nod, knowing we've come to an understanding.

His name is Izuku...


Hello! Thank you for reading the pilot chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

This is just me playing around with some ideas. May or may not continue, I'm not sure!

Words: 1015

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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