Iolanthe Potter Chapter #15

Start from the beginning

"In first place," Professor McGonagall announces, "is Ms. Iolanthe Potter of Illvermorny, who with excellent use of gillyweed, returned with 20 minutes to spare. We've awarded her full 50 points."

Cheers erupted, as Illvermorny cheered for their peer. "That's my girl!" Sirius shouted, grin as wide as a mountain range.

"That's my daughter!" Benjy and Lydia shouted in the past, cheering for the child they'd never get to watch grow.

"And our granddaughter!" Euphemia and Fleamont added, pride blossoming in their old hearts.

"In second is Hogwarts's Cedric Diggory," McGonogall allowed a smidge of fondness into her tone, "he scored 47 points for returning one minute late. He displayed a brilliant use of the bubble-head charm, and brought Ms. Cho Chang up safely."

Hogwarts erupted in cheers, and Iola noticed that the Hufflepuffs were especially loud. They were quite excited at the prospect of the Hufflepuff winning.

"He has 85 points now," Benjy whispered to his father, step-mother, and sister, "and our Iola has 87. Iola's going to be in first. There's no way anyone can beat it. Teddy has 45 points, but he was really late. And his captive was harmed. Delacour may have 41 points, but she didn't even rescue her captive."

"It seems you have a nice chance of winning this," Amelia squeezed Iola's shoulder, "your Mum would be dancing on a table by now."

As Amelia had said, Lydia was, at the announcement, dancing on a table. As soon as she heard Amelia's statement, she sat down abashedly. It seems she was predictable. That was not good. Lydia lived for her unpredictability.

"Thanks Lia," Iola thanked her aunt/step-mom, "I appreciate it."

"And in third," McGonagall continued once the cheering quieted, "is Mr. Theodore Calderon-Boot of Illvermorny. Scoring 40 points, Mr. Claderon-Boot displayed impressive ingenuity with his, as I've been informed by Headmistress Hicks, scuba suit. He, however, was well outside the time limit and his captive was severely injured. This would normally have diminished his score much more, however, after consulting the mermaid cheiftess, we have uncovered it was not his fault. His captive Steve Willow was heavily allergic to a component in the water, and went into a state of anaphylactic shock. Mr. Calderon-Boot was unable to rise to the surface until he'd stabilized Mr. Willow's condition. Therefore, we settled on a higher, 40 point score."

Shouts were heard from the Illvermorny section. "WHY WAS STEVE DOWN THERE THEN?!" people were screaming, "HE COULD HAVE DIED! ALL FOR A STUPID GAME!"

"I mean they're not wrong," Hestia cleared her throat, "but aren't there more refined ways of going about it?"

"They're Americans dear," Tina answered smilingly, "from the Land of Freedom of Speech. You think they're ones to mince their words?"

"Fair enough Mrs. Scamander," Hestia blushed at speaking to THE Tina Scamander, "I guess it makes sense."

"I agree," Sirius thundered, "anaphylactic shock is no joke. This was a case of gross negligence by the staff."

"And lastly," McGonagall continued on, ignoring the loud protests, "is Fleur Delacour. She receives 25 points for her use of the bubblehead charm. However, she was caught by grindylows, and forced to resurface early."

"I deserve nothing," Fleur sobbed, still gripping her sister close.

"Let's go," Sirius guides Iola to the large tree that he and Lydia used to hang around, "we have a lot to speak of."

The scene shifts, and Iola is seen sitting with Teddy and his girlfriend, Annie Yaller.

"I can't believe you're doing so well," Annies complimented, "you're an impressive witch Iola."

"Thanks," Iola replied, looking up from her book, "so are you. Teddy wouldn't have gotten nearly this far without your assistance."

"You make me blush," Annie giggled, "what are you studying? Champions are exempt from their finals,"

"I wish," Dorcas sighed, "studying for O.W.L's are going to be such a pain."

"Are O.W.L's really that hard?" Lily asked softly.

"For you," seventh year Kevin Thomas smiled at Lily, "they'll likely be very manageable. For others, they'll be extremely difficult."

"Oh," Lily blushed at the older student's compliment, "thank you."

"It's not for finals," Iola turned the book around, "it's a book about physics. I'm trying to figure out how to best use gravity to my advantage on the ice."

"On the ice?" Teddy voices, "whatever do you mean?"

"Oh," Iola blushed in embarrassment, "I'm a professional figure skater. I've won a few championships here in London. I've been trying to understand the science behind skating, so I can improve my act."

"Really?" Annie's eyes widened, "you've won championships?!"

"Yup," Iola grinned proudly, "My teachers have told me I'm nearly olympic level."

"Do you want to skate in the olympics one day?" Teddy asks curiously, "because if you do, that'd be really cool."

"I've never thought about it," Iola actually contemplates, "maybe I would. I really like being on the ice."

"She loves skating that much?" Sirius turned to Lydia, "she kind of reminds me of you. You love quidditch far too much."

"What can I say Pads," Lydia shrugs, "I'm a mean chaser."

"It's not totally unprecedented to go back into the world of the no-maj's," Teddy continues, "and it's actually rather normal in England. If that's what you want to do, I say go for it."

"Thanks Teddy," Iola beams, "if I do, you'll be one of the first people I'd tell."

"Speaking of telling," Annie leans down, "is it true? Is Ms. Scamander really getting married?"

"Stasia's engaged?!" one enraged aunt and uncle shout, "who dares to sweep our firecracker away?!"

"Why don't you let the films tell us?" Newt calms his children, "and don't be so over protective. Anastasia is, at least in the films, a grown woman capable of making her own decisions."

"Yes Dad," the twins chorused glumly, although their fire simmered down.

"Oh, that," Iola shrugs, "yeah. She's marrying this guy she met in Venice. His name is Daniel Valencia."

"I never thought she'd get married," Teddy remarks, "she's far too serious."

"My dad says the same thing," Iola rolls her eyes, "before making the stupid serious Sirius joke. Uncle Reggie always hexes him after."

"You have a large family," the older Thunderbird wizard commented.

"I do," Iola proclaimed proudly, "and they're all extremely powerful and accomplished witches and wizards."

"You're really lucky," Annie sighs dreamily, "getting to learn from some of the most influential witches and wizards of the 20th century."

"I am, aren't I?" Iola agrees, "and I'm eternally grateful for it.

The scene ends on a positive note. Perhaps to prepare the audience for the heart-breaking events about to unfold in the next scene.

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