T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Kidnapping the Bride

warning: suggestive nsfw :)


THE venue wasn't very far away, so rather than going by cars, everyone marched through the streets of Tokyo, earning a few yells and shouts of congratulations from random people. When they arrived at the venue, the party was immediately kicked off. Music bounced off the walls, bodies lining the floor as they danced, laughter and cheering echoing in the air.

"Could I trouble you for a dance?"

Aki turned, her lips parting at the male who stood behind her. The blond smiled softly, holding his hand out to her. She placed her palm in his, allowing him to lead her away. He placed his hand on her hip, smiling down at her. He wore a simple button down and slacks, his hand pushed away from his face.

"I'm surprised to see you away from the sanctuary," She said, following his steps. "I didn't know you could even leave."

"For special occasions," He chuckled. "You are still a demon hunter, therefore, I am allowed to attend any special occurrence in your life. Your wedding falls under that category."

She smiled softly. "I owe this to you, Simon. You saved my life."

"I was not the one to breathe life back into your body," He said.

"No, but you opened the sanctuary to me," She replied.

He gazed at her for a moment. "You...are just like your father was."

Her lips parted slightly. "M-My father? You knew him?"

"Adrian and Alexander were close friends," He said. "Then, the guardians were assigned to the families that honored us. I was assigned to the Dragavei family. I have met all of your ancestors, aided them in their battles, and guided their souls to rest at peace. I've served your family for centuries."

"W-Why are you telling me this, Simon?" She asked, her voice quieter.

His steps slowly came to a stop. He stepped back from her, sliding his hand under hers. He took something from his pocket, and her eyes widened at the silver band. He slid it onto her middle finger.

"Adrian gave that to me when the sorcerers began their attacks on the demon hunters," He said softly, meeting her gaze. "He asked me to keep it safe. He asked me to give it to you on the day that you wed."

She shakily looked down at the ring. "T-This..."

Simon placed his hand over hers. "You don't have very many things that belonged to him. His favorite was a longsword. Your father always copied me."

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