Lie for another's sake (and your own)

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Please let me know if I missed any

Niki came running when she heard word. Because, of course they worshipped the Goddess of Death and her angel. And of course they didn't accept the poor mute boy in to their village.

So obviously, Ranboo was standing next to Phil and Kristen when she walked up.

'Niki!' He signed excitedly.

"Hey bud." The pink haired girl said, ignoring the confused look on Phil's face, and the amused one on Kristen's.

'Sorry it didn't work out.' His eyes were downcast.

"It's not your fault." Niki cupped his cheeks in her hands. "You did nothing wrong."

Neither of them acknowledged the fact he wasn't accepted because he was mute.

'Will we find a new village?' Ranboo asked fearfully.

"No, not at the moment. You'll come live with me for a while." She said, pressing ranboo into a hug.

Phil and Kristin shot her a few glances, but she decided to ignore them. It didn't matter what they thought. As far as she and Ranboo were concerned, she was a human traveler named Niki, who lived on an empty alcove.

She would explain it to them later. For now, she had a little kid to look after.

Once they stepped through the rift, and to her realm, she felt herself relax just a bit more. Her shoulders weren't so tensed, and her guard fell just a bit.

● ● ●

"I heard rumors around that you were harboring a young human boy." The God of manipulation came out of nowhere.

"What I am doing is none of your business Dream."

"But it's rather dangerous, what if they abuse your power?" He fell into pace next to her, in his human form.

Her hesitation peaked the second God's interest. "Oh, does he not know who you are, Nihachu?" He leered.

"He doesn't, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Why are you harboring him?" He asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Why are you saying harbor, like it's illegal? We both know what you've done." The sea goddess snapped.

"Because it should be, what I did hurt me in the end."

Niki gripped her satchel tighter. "He was dying, sacrificed to me by a twisted town, who chose to leave their people blind."

"Are you going to return him to the human world?"

Another pause.

"No? Why not? Did you grow attached to the child you lied to?" His eyes flashed green for a moment, carrying the scent of his world, parchment paper, incense and ink.

"So maybe I did!" She snapped, her eyes flashing white as the tops of large waves. "I healed him up, and tried to find a new village for him."


"But they didn't accept him, it was probably because he's mute."

"So you're keeping him?"

Another pause, "maybe."

"Okay. Will you tell him what you are?" He changed back to his God form. A smiling mask stared back at the ocean goddess, she saw her reflection flicker in those black eyes.





She said nothing, and apparently that was enough for the god of manipulation. He sighed, and put a boney, white, hand on her shoulder. "Just, be safe Nihachu."

He snapped his fingers, and the the portal to his dimension opened, swirling and humming quietly.

"Adieu Nihachu, I wish you best of luck in your human endeavors." There was a playful lilt in his voice as he stepped through the portal.

She sighed, slipping her trident back into it's holder on her back, before running back to the little cottage by the sea.

She'll find the young boy a good village. Eventually.


We do not talk about how long it took for me to get back to writing this book.


Not doing it.

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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