"I seriously have so bad luck." Hitomi sighed and rested her cheek on her palm, waiting to get the instructions for today's lab experiment or whatever they will be doing.


"Let's add the sodium hydroxide then." Hitomi instructed.

"No, the instructions says to add this sulfuric acid before that." Niki corrected.

"No it doesn't, read the text below the photo." She urged disapprovingly and threw the book closer to Niki.

"But in the photo the acid comes first." He argued back and didn't even glance at the book again.

"What? Don't look at the photo idiot. We need to add the sodium first! Can't you read?" She started to get annoyed of his debate against her.

"It doesn't even matter. They will mix together anyway." He stated in frustration.

"It does matter, Niki?!"

"Yeah, right." He gave in, but slightly pushed the kettle glass and the liquid inside it spilled over a bit.

"Hey! It got in my hand!" Hitomi screamed when the liquid spilled on her palm. "It's gonna corrode it!"

"What the hell? That's just salt and water?!" Niki assured irritably for her sudden dramatic behavior.

"Well, still?!"

"Can you please stop it?" Mina calmly interrupted their argue. "I'm so sick of listening your bickering. I start feeling like the love language of both of you is arguing and you are flirting all the time." She complained tiredly.

"WHAT!?" They both shouted simultaneusly and gazed at her.

"What is all the noise in here?" The teacher calmly walked towards the group.

"This gyu was about to ruin this whole project by not listening to the smarter person that appears to be me." Hitomi explained to the teacher who was now listening them with arms crossed.

"Smarter?! I don't think you are any smarter than me, and besides I wasn't doing anything wrong!?" Niki defended, raising his voice.

"I doesn't matter anymore, but you are yelling at me!"

"What?! You started it!"

"No! You did!"

"Mina. Can you finish the project by yourself?" The teacher calmly asked.

"Of course. And yes, please take them away. I can't concentrate. It annoys me."

"Follow me." Mrs. Uemura said to Niki and Hitomi.

They both shared nervous and hostile glances, but then started following Mrs. Uemura outside of the classroom. Hitomi noticed now how everyone were staring them.

"You're doing amazing, dude!" Niki's friend, Eiji shouted from his place teasingly and really amused. Niki just pulled a middle finger at him and walked out of the classroom with Hitomi.

 The teacher turned around to face them, "I see you really don't like each other. I saw your argue at the lake at the field trip as well. Why?"

Hitomi scartched her nape, "He's always annoying me.."

Niki turned his gaze on her in disbelief, "So it's my fault again?"

The teacher quickly interrupted them as another argue was about to start. "I think you should make up. I know a good method for that. Wait a second." Mrs. Uemura stepped back in the classroom, leaving the two there.

"Now we're getting a punishment!" Hitomi whispered at Niki in frustration and poked his chest with her index finger.

"It's not my fault!" 

They went quiet again, when the teacher came back dragging a stool with her. Hitomi and Niki both were confused what the teacher was planning.

"Here, both of you stand in the stool until you have made up."

"Both? It's so small and this was a punishment in kindergarten?" Hitomi stated in confusion.

Mrs. Uemura smiled, "Well I used to work at there and it's still valid for me to problematic students." "Now get on it. And I see you through that little window. I better not see you standing on the floor, got it?"

Niki and Hitomi were quiet for a moment. "Yes.." They tiredly replied and bowed at the elder.

"I'll keep up with the class now." Mrs. Uemura walked inside the classroom to contuned with the lesson. Niki and Hitomi were alone in the corridor with a stool and she suddenly started feeling awkward.

"Ladies first." He reached his hand, motioning her to step on it first.

"I don't want you to push me down, so you go first."

"Alright then."

He lazily stepped on the stool and stretched his hand to help her up, but she rejected it, which made Niki chuckle slightly. As she climbed up she held his shirt gently as a support, but let go when she was balanced enough.

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