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Harry and Louis had just gotten done swimming. Harry was on the couch watching Elmo. Louis was in the kitchen making a snack for his little hazzie.

"Hazzie your snack is done, sweets." Harry sleepily walked into the kitchen. When he saw Louis he went up to him putting his arms in the air to be held.

"Aww does my baby want to be held?" Louis knew that Harry wanted to be held, but he didn't want to make harry upset.

"Yesh Daddy." Harry whined.

Louis picked Harry up who buried his head into the crook oh Louis neck. He placed Harry into his higher chair , strapping him in, and set down his snack on the tray. Harry's snack was crackers and peanut butter.

While Harry ate Louis prepared bottles for the night. Since Harry was a little he still woke up in the middle of the night like a regular baby would.

"Done!" Harry shouted. Louis looked at Harry with narrow eyes.

"Hazzie we don't shout in the house. We use inside voices." Louis said sternly.

Harry whimpered. "M' sorry daddy."

"It's okay my love. Next time when you're done can you say it in an inside voice, please?" Louis took off Harry's chair tray, unstrapping him. Harry needed a bath due to Louis forgetting to put a bip on him.

Louis walked up stairs with a messy Harry on his hip. When they reached the bathroom, Harry was extremely excited because he loved being bathed. Louis filled the bath tub to the desired temperature and level.

Louis undressed Harry who was wearing a t-shirt and pink bottoms. "Me get into tubby now?" Harry needed assistance to get into the tub by his daddy. When harry was lowered into the tub he splashed around and even soaked Louis who wasn't very happy that he got wet, but how can he get mad at a face like Harry's? Exactly you can't.

When Harry was all cleaned up louis wrapped him up in a warm fluffy pink towel to dry him off and carry him to his nursery.

Harry was laid down on his changing table. He whined because he doesn't like to be changed. "It will be quick Haz." Louis tried to calm Harry down who ended up wailing. So Louis put Harry's green glow in the dark nu nu (pacifier) in his mouth to sooth him.

The older of the two put Harry in a princess nappy and lotion him up for his skin to feel soft.
After Louis was done rubbing the lotion into his boyfriend's skin he clothed Harry in a pink sleeper.

At this point Harry was past his sleeping stage, he was exhausted. Louis went back down stairs, with Harry on his hip, to get a bottle that he prepared into the microwave to warm it up. It was a little bit difficult because Harry would not let Louis put him down. The microwave beeped singling it was done. Louis took the bottle out, adding in a few drops of vanilla. Harry whined when he saw Louis shake up the bottle, with the cap on, he wanted to make sure it was fully mixed up.

The two boys walked back up the stairs and into Harry's nursery. Louis sat on the rocking chair, positioning Harry to have his bottle. He took off the lid testing it on his wrist to make sure it wasn't too hot or cold. Harry whined even more around his pacifier, he wants his bottle. Louis took out Harry's pacifier from him mouth to replace it with the bottle.

Harry immediately sucked on the false nipple making sound of sucking. Louis cooed when he saw that Harry's eyes were heavy. He wasn't sure if he would make it through the whole bottle. Most times if Harry was really tired he would try to otherwise he would only drink about half the bottle.

By the time Harry' was done with the bottle he was asleep. Louis took out the false nipple to replace it with his pacifier. Harry only whined a little then settled back down when Louis patted his bottom.

Louis placed Harry inside of the crib. He kissed Harry's cheek then walks out of the room, with Harry's bottle in hand, to clean up the mess down stairs. He cleaned up all of Harry's toys that were on the floor placing them in the toy box. He did the dishes for tonight, including Harry's bottle. Louis had gotten used to this kind of life. Harry and Him only met about a year and a half ago.

Louis looked at the time, it only being 8:30. It was not that late, but he knew Harry would wake up around 12 for another bottle. He walked to the living room to watch some tv. Harry normally went to bed around 8:30 to 9 then woke up at 12 for another bottle, then around 5, and finally at 7 to 7:30 ready for the day. Louis had to make a schedule for Harry because if not Harry was a grumpy mess. No one like a grumpy baby.

It was close to 9 when Louis decided to turn the tv off and make his way to bed. He was walking pass Harry's nursery, when he decided to check on him. Louis peaked into the room seeing that Harry was snoozing away. Louis smiled then gently closed the door, to try to not wake up the baby.

Louis went to his room and changed into some pajamas. His old clothes had spit up and drool on it from Harry, he hadn't mind though. Before Louis would actually sleep he decided to read a little. Louis would normally read when Harry is napping. Although today Harry was extremely clingy to him. He hadn't known why though.
When it was close to 10 Louis figured he would get some sleep before he would have to wake up to feed Harry again. He turned off the lamp,if he didn't get his sleep now he wouldn't get any sleep at all.

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