🌹The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

"OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!" the Queen shouted as her face was completely red in anger.

"It's the Queen's orders! Off with her head!" the King shouted to the guards.

The guard shouted as one by one toppled over each other chasing after the frightened girl. Yuri started shouting, trying to tell them to stop but none of them didn't hear or see her. All she could do was watch the scene play out much to her dislikement. When Yuri turned around, she jumped when a person stood right in front of her. Their outfit was almost like the Queen of Hearts, but it was darker and tattered all over.

Yuri wanted to move back but she couldn't move an inch, no matter how much she tried. Looking down her eyes widened seeing an inky black substance coming up from where the person stood as it started to spread all over the courtroom, covering every part making it completely black. Yuri looked at the person in fear, she could hear her heart pounding her chest as they moved closer to her.

She soon felt a constricting pain coiling around her limbs as she looked down to see the black ink formed into thorny vines that were slowly crawling around her legs and arms as the sharp thorns pricked through her skin almost getting to the point of bleeding. With a shaky breath, Yuri looked up only for her throat to be held by the tattered person in a tight grip, closing up her air supply. Yuri was gasping for air, trying hard to move her arms so that she could grasp the person's hands that were around her neck, but the vines were holding them tight, not making any signs of movement as tears were rolling down her cheeks. Looking at the person closer, Yuri's eyes widened to finally see who it was before hearing a cracking sound at the end as everything went black.

Yuri jolted up from her sleep with a quick gasp, flinging the blanket off of her as half of it fell on the floor. Yuri quickly placed her hand on her neck thinking that the person was still choking her, but soon let out a breath of relief to feel nothing but her own hands. Looking at her limbs, there were no signs of blood leaking out or any puncher holes nor vine marks on her skin. Yuri looked around, seeing that she was the only one in the bedroom, which made her glad that she was alone. She didn't want her sister to worry about her in such a state after witnessing what she saw in her dream.

"Why does no one stop the Queen?" Yuri quietly said in a shaky breath, looking at her shaking hands. "If only someone had stopped her before she turned out like that..."

"Oh, you're awake, Yuu!" Grim said, poking his head from the door, making Yuri jump.

"Today is the fateful day!" Ace said, poking head from the door as well. "Come on, let's go."

"O-oh, right...the duel." Yuri said and got up from her bed. "Let me get myself dressed and I'll be downstairs in a few."

"Okay, just hurry up!" Ace said, walking away with Grim following behind, both unaware that Vivid was there hidden in the shadows.

"The time to know how this chapter will turn out." Vivid said as she headed towards the stairs. "I hope that you're ready to play your role, Little Doll."

🌹 Rose Maze 🌹

Word was soon quickly spread all over Heartslabyul that someone was challenging Riddle to become the Dorm Head of Heartslabyul. The residents all attended in the Rose Maze talking to one another while holding different expressions on their faces. Some thought that it was some kind joke thinking that the person was going to chicken out and beg for forgiveness. Others were holding worried and troubled looks on their faces, quietly praying for the poor soul and hoping that he would win or to quit.

"Hey, did you hear?" one student said. "Someone challenged Prefect Rosehearts to a duel!"

"The Prefect?! I can't imagine it. It'll probably be over in a flash." another one said.

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