Scarabia Oc: Ihab Alriysh

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Name: Ihab Alriysh

Other Names/Nicknames:
Riddle: -
Ace: -
Deuce: -
Cater: -
Trey: -
Leona: Troublesome Bird
Ruggie: -
Jack: -
Azul: -
Jade: -
Floyd: Parrot Fish (Budai)
Kalim: Fea-chan
Jamil: Servant
Vil: Leek
Rook: Lady of voices (Dame des voix)
Epel: -
Idia: -
Ortho: -
Malleus: -
Lilia: -
Silver: -
Sebek: -

Biographical Info

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: Sep. 28
Star Sign: Libra
Height: 160
Eye Color: Magenta
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Homeland: Land of Hot Sand
Family: Mother, Father, Uncle, 6 younger brothers, 3 older sisters, 5 cousins

Professional Status

Dorm: Scarabia
School Year: 1st year
Class: 1-C
Dorm + Vice Dorm Head's Assistant
Club: Light Music Club
Best Subject: Ancient Incantation/Flying Skills
Unique Magic: Hear Me Out
> Copies the person's voice, when she hears them

Fun Facts

Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Fruits
Least Favorite Food: Crackers
Likes: dancing, incantations, flying, copying people, music, different kinds of birds, her friends and family
Dislikes: Phantoms, Kalim being careless at times, fighting her siblings, perverts, Jamil using his UM on people for his own purpose, dry things
Hobby: Bird Watching
Talents: Dancing


> Always wanted a pet bird when she was little
- she started acting like her favorite one
> Follows Jamil around the most, to his liking
- he wanted a parrot for a pet, remember
> Sometime worries about Kalim
> Likes to annoy people when she mimics them
> When she gets ticked off, her hear ruffles

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