You Will behave Charlie

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Charlie sat in the sports hall at school for parents evening and all the happy feelings he'd had during the week were all gradually slipping away as his teachers told his parents that his grades were slipping and his course work was over due. Nick was sat on the other side of the room with his mum, Nick did turn around to look at Charlie and gave him a beautiful smile but he couldn't help notice Charlie's smile fade when his mum tugged him by arm so he turned back to face the front. 

Charlie's mum leaned in and sharply whispered 'You are testing my patience now face forwards and pay attention to the teacher', Charlie did as he was told and sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair feeling very tense and alone. 

The car ride home was no better it was so quiet that Charlie felt like he could scream at the top of his lungs and nobody would hear him, Charlie's mum glanced over her shoulder and said 'So your course work essay' in an attempt to keep calm Charlie took a deep breath and said 'It's fine I'll get it done'. Charlie's mum responded very quickly 'Yes but it's not just that is it, I know getting your first boyfriend is exciting but . . .' 

Charlie felt tears welling in his eyes as he responded with a slight hint of anger 'WHAT? It's not Nick's fault' his mum turned around glaring at Charlie as she said 'I don't want to hear it, I think you and Nick need to have some time apart. Your banned from seeing him completely until this coursework is finished'. Charlie hadn't even noticed that they'd arrived home as his dad stopped the car and said 'Charlie we're not completely banning you' a small flicker of hope sparked but Charlie's mum replied 'No it's a complete ban, now get upstairs out of my sight and stay there until morning'. 

*~*~* Line Break *~*~*

As soon as he was inside Charlie ran upstairs to his room and shut his door shutting himself away from the world and his mother that made him feel so alone and scared. The next morning Charlie woke bright and early for school he was so excited to see Nick and give him a hug, once he was dressed Charlie walked downstairs into the kitchen his mum turned around when he walked in and placed a bowl of cereal on the table and said 'Eat that and then get to school, you will behave whilst you live here Charlie or so help me god I will punish you more than I did when you were a child'. 

Tori was Charlie's older sister and she saw everything that happened to Charlie. She tried to help him where she could but most of the time all she could do was clean and dress his wounds and offer him a shoulder to cry on, as she sat beside him on the bus to school today she saw the way Charlie was sitting almost like his back was injured and sore but she also saw the tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.

Nick had been in school early for study hall which was the worst hour of his life because he had to sit next to Ben hope, but as soon as the hour was over Nick left the hall as quickly as possible and saw Charlie waiting for him out by the lockers, he walked quickly over to Charlie and took him by the hand to a quiet corner of the library where he kissed him in the lips and gave him the biggest hug ever. They spent morning break sitting beside each-other talking, and just like Tori had done this morning Nick noticed that Charlie looked in pain he took Charlie's left hand and said 'I miss you so much Charlie, you make me so happy when I'm with you and when I'm not I feel lonely'.

Charlie leaned in until his forehead was touching Nicks as he said 'I miss you as-well. Why don't I come over tonight', Nick smiled and said 'But what about your mum' Charlie cut Nick off with a quick kiss before saying 'My parents are at my grans for dinner they won't be back till 11 so as long as I'm back before then it'll be fine'. 

Charlie sat in his room waiting for his parents to go out so he could go round to Nick's, he heard the front door open and close so he started to get himself ready but whilst he was stood looking in the mirror sorting his hair out his bedroom door opened and his mum stood in the doorway and Charlie instantly panicked as she walked in and said 'And where would you be going Charlie, round to Nick's' Charlie shook his head but his mum didn't believe him she knew he was lying so she struck him across the face causing him to fall catching his right cheek on his bedside table. 

Charlie's mum dragged Charlie out of the house into the garden where she pushed him into the dark damp shed tying his hands to a metal hook, she stepped back and said 'I never once disobeyed my parents like you do Charlie, and I swear if you step out of line once more I will kick you out of this house and you can sleep in filthy alleyways' those were the last words Charlie heard from his mum as she slammed the shed door shut leaving him alone in the pitch black with only the sound of wind and pouring rain for company. 

Meanwhile Nick lay in his bed wondering why Charlie hadn't come round tonight like he said he would do, he looked at his phone and still no reply from Charlie he was starting to get worried now and part of him wanted to go round and check that he was okay but he knew his mum wouldn't like him going out this late at night so he lay on his left side looking at Charlie's picture on his bedside table until eventually he fell asleep his eyes tired of searching the heavens.

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