chap. 2

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You decide to call the police. They arrive in 20 minutes or so, your eyes are red from crying and you still have a red nose too, you're ashamed on how you look, as the cops will know you cried the whole time before they came.
Once they came, they told you to go home and you did, you put you pjs on (↓) and lay on the bed.

 Once they came, they told you to go home and you did, you put you pjs on (↓) and lay on the bed

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You really can't fall asleep, it's kinda obivous knowing what happened earlier. You usually would scroll on your phone until morning but you don't have the motivation to do it anyways, you don't have the motivation do anything, not even getting out of bed, eating or going to school.
You wouldnt really go to school right now, but tomorrow it's very important for the grades of this semester, but it wont really work, you'll get maximum a C, as you have 5 assigments behind.
Life been very stressful this year, and you didn't really have the time to study.
You contemplate all night if you want to go to school or not, but you decide to go.
It's already an hard challenge going out of bed. Even harder to go in the bathroom.
You put on the best outfit you can think of

You put on the necklace that Adam gave you, a Golden One with an heart at the centre of It

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You put on the necklace that Adam gave you, a Golden One with an heart at the centre of It.
Then you go to school, just to discover that the rumors about Adam already started, everyone is giving you looks and treat you like a Psycho, you heard some say that you started the fire because he had a girlfriend, or that Adam started the fire. Or that he went Crazy because you bullied him rentlessy.
You go into chemistry class and the teacher, mr. Davis, makes an announcement.

"Attention everyone, today Is coming a new student called Pickle Man Jonh Ligmaballs Whige, please make him feel welcome in this campus"
The boy Is nice looking, and you can see that all the girls agree, as they all blush.
Especially Fleur, the rich, blonde, Blue eyed, french girl.
She is super popular, you emvy her and wish you had her life.
Pickle Man sits next to you, and looks at you in the eyes, they are dark brown, like a nut, or in a Word, beautiful.
While in class, all the girls stare at him but he has eyes only for you.
At a certain point he then pokes your shoulder and gives you a note: "meet me After school at the park"
You blush, flustered.
What could this mean? Is It true love?
You snap out of it, knowing that he's too good for you.

Two hours later, on your way to music class, you bump into Fleur.
She stares at you with hatred in her eyes, and then in a hurtful, evil tone she hisses:

"Pickle man is mine! You are too bad for his love, loser. You even killed Adam!"

Your reaction Is null, as you already know he only loves Fleaur and was messing with you in chemistry.
But... what about the note?
He was most likely joking, but that hopeless romantic part of you is slowly taking over, and in the end you prepare yourself to go.

Authors note: Hey guys, Erin here. I want to apologize for my absence, i've been real busy those months... But here's chapter two!!
Also, we might get Johns attention! I gave him a fanart and soon enough the link to this fanfic also Sorry I had too much fun with the name
~Yours truly, Erin

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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