The Life They Promised

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Mitsuri Kanroji was by no means your average woman. She was strong with an appetite that could probably stuff other people to the brim halfway through. It's not like she was unhealthy, no she was a fit person. She was teased by kids growing up for her strange hair color. Being stronger than most men at her school didn't help either. Lucky for her, a boy just one year her senior came to her rescue. They talked often.

She did notice how little he seemed to interact with the other students. He was a little reserved when they spoke as well. He was in an accident which badly cut his face so he wore a mask. All she could see was his dark hair and his multicolored eyes. One was a piercing blue and the other a gentle yellow.

They got to know each other better with each passing day, eventually getting together romantically. They each went to school after highschool to learn culinary arts in hopes of opening a restaurant together. Which is exactly what they did.

That brings us to the present, Mitsuri smiling at her memories. She was cleaning up the restaurant tables, closing up for the night while her husband, Iguro, shut down the kitchen. She hummed a quiet tune to herself while she worked before sighing. She could hear loud laughter coming from the upper level, where the family lived. It was a lot easier for the family to live above the restaurant so the kids were closer to the school and it was awfully hard to be late to a place you're right above.

They had a total of 5 little blessings. 4 girls and their youngest, a boy. The oldest daughter, Chiyo, is 12 years old. She was smart and calculating. It was lucky she was born first, she really keeps her siblings in check. The second eldest, Kazuko, is 10 years old and a complete wild card. Despite her name meaning peace child, she is anything but that. Half of the knocked over things in their home are results of her mischief. The middle child was the opposite of her outgoing older sister, Haruka, at age 6 she was reserved and shy. Loud noises made her nervous and her father understands that all too well. The second youngest, Himiko, is 5. She often aids her older sister Kazuko with her mischief, causing quite a bit of stress on her more shy siblings. The youngest child, a little boy by the name of Kenji, is only 3 years old. He hasn't spoken a word unless someone is endangered.

Iguro went behind Mitsuri, kissing her cheek. "Are you alright?" He asked, taking down his mask now that no customers were present.

Mitsuri nodded happily. "Of course I'm alright! I was just thinking about how perfectly life is going for us. What could we have done in our past life to deserve such bliss!" Her face was a bright pink, smiling widely. A crash was heard upstairs followed by a muffled. "You idiot!"

Iguro sighed, turning off the last of the lights before heading up the hidden stairwell with his wife. "Chiyo we told you not to call your siblings that...Kenji's watching you, you know." He gestured to the three year old who was currently too busy building blocks to care.

"What was the noise?" Mitsuri looked around the living room with concern.

Kazuko and Himiko were conveniently missing from the crime scene, a flower vase laying chipped on the floor. Mitsuri giggled to herself. "Kazu! Himiko! Come out here please!" She called, cupping a hand to her mouth while Haruka covered her ears, curling up on the couch.

The two trouble makers came zooming in. "Are you done with work?!" Himiko looked excited.

"Yeah, we're done with work... are you done being troublemakers?" Iguro teased them, sitting down by Haruka.

"Okay okay! I can explain! I was just playing tag and then- I bumped into the vase and it fell and I didn't wanna get in trouble!" Himiko spilled, she was always very much the easier one to get information out of.

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