I compared my schedule to Karrie's, She had all the classes as me! Yes!

Karrie looks at me excitedly, she smile widly at me, then she points to our lockers that were right next to each other.

 I almost do a happy dance in the hall.We are so lucky.......


That little old lady! I offically like her!

We find our lockers and do our combos then pull out our textbooks and notebooks that were put in there kindly by the school.

I looked at Karrie nervously. She smiles back but I can tell it's tinged with worry. We walk nervously to our class. The bell rang a minute ago and we were late.

We walked to the door and knocked. We smiled nervously at each other, trying to reassure the other. The door opened a sour looking old woman opened it and scowled at us, behind her was a cat. Cat? Are they even allowed in school?!

I know must werewolves hate cats, but I love all animals.

The cat hisses at us, it looked like it hated everyone but the scowling teacher, just as the teacher opens the door farther to let us in.

"Your late!" She snaps at us. We walk in and she asks us, "Why?"

"Sorry, we're new, we couldn't find the class room." Karrie tells her sheepishly.

"Well, turn to the class and introduce yourselves."  She tells us.

We turn to the class, which was openly staring, or glaring in the slut's group's case.

There were 4 guys in the back with midnight black hair, and green eyes with black and gold flecks just like mine. That is so weird.... They even look like me!

You can tell they are the most popular kids in school, all cocky and have that 'air' around them. They were all incredibly hansome, they looked exactly the same. But strangly I wasn't attracted to them. Weird.  With them were about 5 guys who looked like they riveled the 4 quadruplets popularity, cockiness and handsomeness. They also were hansome and really cute, I was attracted to them though. Strange.

"Well My name is Clarissa, and this is Karrie. We just moved here and...." I smiled a little nervously at the class. "And I love animals." I added at the end, I couldn't think of anything esle.

The teacher smirked, old ladys look creepy smirking.*shudder*"Well why don't you pick up Jacky and hold her." She pointed to her black cat that was glaring at us.

The class smirked at us.

The cat came up to my and the classes smirks got wider and the bitches (Sluts) were giggling disgustingly behind their hands.

Jacky came up to me. She looked like an evil cat. I smiled gently down to her and put my books on the desk closest to me, then I crounched down onto my knees.

I whispered gently to the cat, "Here Jacky, these stupid students don't know how to hold you and pet you I can tell. Can I hold you? Your fur is so pretty.

The cat looked at me, and then jumped into my arms and started purring loudly. I stood up slowly to the astonished class, Jacky purring and rubbering her head against me.

Karrie pets Jacky and the kitty just purrs. Loving Karrie's and I's attention. I have a special way with animals. They love me and I love them.

The teacher beams at me and Karrie. The class looks even more taken aback."Well Ms and Ms Madx, if Jacky loves you then I will to! Sit any where you want! Oh dear...." She glances around the room worridly. The only spots that were avalible were in front of the 'it crowd' a.k.a. the hansome guys and the bitches.

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