To Catch A...Trollhunter? Part One

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Summary: Eli is sick of spotting paranormal activity without catching any evidence to prove it. Even when he warns his classmates about the creatures who roam the night, he is constantly hated and bullied for stating facts. Now, he pulls an all-nighter to capture the creatures but discoveries shock him.

Characters: Jim, Eli, Steve

Rating: K

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Eli was displeased with the innumerable amount of times that he had actually managed to perceive such images of unimaginable creatures roaming the city streets of Arcadia deep within the silent night, but when he shared such exotic stories of his findings - well, the quick moments of them passing by his bedroom window - he was constantly bullied by the student body.

What even put him more in an invidious condition was when Steve had shoved his way through the crowd of displeased students and made sure the usual locker-shoving task was completed. The blonde would persistently call the poor boy out on his dramatic stories and put on an act that he finally believed each word that Eli spoke before letting out a wounding cackle and explaining that Eli had such an imagination. Other times the sentence: "Wow, are you so desperate for friends that you try and be the hero or one who has a double life that'd you make up such lies!? What a shame!"

The poor boy was harassed by his peers. Well, there is no need for such a word the people of his generation were known as strangers, heck, even further down the line, way past strangers.

However, he was over and done with all the unceasing tyrannizing that an abrupt thought had occurred to him. What if he had captured documentation, or in fact, evidence that was in fact, alive and revealed to Arcadia Oaks High that those "vivid dreams" were a reality?

Who would be the laughing stock then?

Yeah, such an act to twist the hateful fingers back at the tormentors was not how the Pepperjack family was raised and it would be best if Eli had let the situation go. He would have, if it had not been another sighting of large figures running past his window, only to be followed by a smaller, yet bright figure chasing after them.

He had to do it. It wasn't just to show beyond doubt to the school that he was no freak, no, it was also to prove to himself that his thoughts had been right. Luckily he had ordered spy gear and makeshift bear traps earlier on in the month.

They were mostly meant for defense if the monsters had ever found him watching silently through the glass, but now, they were in a dire situation. He was going to capture whatever drifted throughout the streets and show the school that he hadn't lost his mind.

He was going to do it, whether he died or not.

Quickly, no longer occupied with his thoughts, even the ones that had the plan conjured up, Eli took one last glance around his bedroom, silently thanking the simple room for helping him hide from the real world and try to discover the others.

The boy dressed in simple black attire, blending in with the night. He wanted to step up to his lovable mother and wish her a forever goodbye, just in case he didn't return but if she knew what he was up to, he wouldn't even have the chance to risk his life in the first place!

Whispering a gentle apology and a simple I love you too his mother, he grabbed his traps and spy gear before silently pushing his window open and crawling through space.

Finding himself on his empty street, the soft glow of the lights hiding the traps perfectly, Eli didn't waste much time setting the well-hidden traps up before he dove behind a nearby bush, his eyes leaking through the small stems and leaves, watching the net in particular.

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