51. Prison Break

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Yelena and Natasha bickered like – well, like siblings – for the entire flight. I was content to stay out of the way and hopefully keep off their radar – but the space was too small for that to work. Funnily, however, they preferred to talk at me or about me than to me – at least until I got boots on the ground – I was apparently the only one leaving the chopper to retrieve the package – father – fackage?

"We only have two suits" Yelena snarked. Natasha scoffed, shrugging off the concern.

"She doesn't need a suit" she jutted her chin in my direction.

"Why not?"

"AV is white."

"So are you." Yelena scoffed. "Still wearing a suit though." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Just show her, Parker." She finally relented. I sighed. Yelena had seen me – us – AV in action before, but not up close and it was only fair she knew what she was getting into. Before my brain could completely wrap itself around the thought, the white fluid was already moving down my arms, enveloping my hands as it spread outwards. I remember looking directly into Yelena's hazel eyes as she left her co-pilot seat before the white substance covered my face and she was left staring into the much larger eyes of Anti-Venom in full glory. Standing to full height was problematic though, and the chopper lurched precariously as we smacked our head into the ceiling and then struggled not to fall over in a moving junk heap as Natasha looked behind her to verify that we were in one piece. Once verified, she rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath about being graceful. I was grateful – for her sake and for mine - that I couldn't fully make it out. Our attention snapped back to the younger widow by her unexpected response.

"That is so cool," she murmured softly. Instead of retreating, she stepped forward, reaching towards me. She stopped just before contacting my skin, seemingly thinking the better of what she was about to do. "Can I?" We nodded. Her fingers were surprisingly warm against our skin – Natasha's hands were always cold. She traced her fingers over the face staring back at her with something resembling wonder, but after a few minutes she shrugged it off and returned to her seat. "She'll do," she shrugged at Natasha. I stared at them both for a second.

"We'll do?" Our voice sounded much more menacing that way when it came from both of us at once. Yelena shrugged again.

"I said it was cool. What do you want, a medal?" She snarked. "If you're good enough for my sister, then I guess you can handle this. Don't screw it up." She admonished me. I didn't have time to respond as the chopper banked sharply to the right.

"This is your stop," Natasha jutted her chin forward and nodded as I slid the chopper door open, looking down at the ground. There wasn't anything in sight for miles.

"See you in a minute," I smirked before spreading my arms wide and leaping into the snow-covered trees below.

"Try not to die," Yelena called down after me.


Once on the ground it was easy to get our bearings and start heading North. The girls dropped us this far out to prevent the possibility of anyone seeing me before we made our move. I still wasn't sure what my move was. Before long, white walls seemed to rise out of the snow in front of me, with a foreboding mountain landscape hemming it in on three sides. I sighed. This was going to be even harder than I thought.

"Get in there and make sure he gets the package," Natasha ordered over coms. We blinked.

"You want me to what now?" we asked incredulously.

"Don't tell me you're scared," Yelena's thick accent taunted me as we glared up into the sky where the faintest dot that was the helicopter was just coming into view.

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