18. We'll be Fine

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The flight back to the compound was much more pleasant than the trip to Romania had been. Natasha and I talked and laughed like we used to, and I allowed her to ask a few questions about AV. I wasn't ready to explain how we had gotten together, or the details of exactly what that entailed, but judging by her surprised reaction to my mention of phone calls, I knew I had to have a serious conversation with my big brother when we got back. As the quinjet touched down on the landing pad, Natasha and I left the jet with smiles as Tony and Wanda came out to greet us. Wanda ran towards me and quickly threw herself into my arms, requiring the use of a tendril or two to steady the brunette as I attempted to retain my balance and not end up on the ground. Wanda gasped as one of the tentacles touched her skin and pulled away slightly, so I frowned and set her back down securely on the ground.

"Sorry about that, just didn't want you to fall," I apologized softly.

"It's...it's fine," she murmured, the smile returning to her face.

Tony announced a party that evening to celebrate our first successful small team mission, and I was instructed in no uncertain terms that I was expected to attend. Additionally, Tony said that the party was going to have a special guest, but he wouldn't give out any additional information. Natasha smiled at me as we went our separate ways, and Wanda and I headed to the kitchen for chocolate.

CHOCOLATE! Wanda chuckled softly, and I blinked at her.

"Can you hear them too?" The witch smiled wide and nodded. But as we reached the kitchen and I began the process of making AV's favorite kind of hot chocolate, complete with chocolate chips, whipped cream, and sprinkles, Wanda's expression turned more serious.

"So.." she began, hesitantly. I leaned against the counter and waited. "The mission went well then?" I shrugged.

"I don't know about well, exactly, but it was successful." She smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Can you ever be serious?" I chuckled

"I mean, I can, but what's the fun in that?" Wanda shook her head, snatching my cup of hot chocolate out of my hand and licking a straight line through the piled-on whipped cream.

Hey! That's Ours! Her smile widened at AV's outrage.

"Careful – if they don't get their chocolate, they can get cranky," I warned playfully. Wanda frowned.

"What happens if they get cranky?" I shrugged.

"Usually we go find a head to snack on." The witch blinked up at me.

"You aren't kidding."

CRUNCHY! I rolled my eyes. Really not helping, bubs.

"Is it always like this? In your head?" I thought about it for a minute before nodding.

"Yeah, for the most part," I acknowledged. Wanda's smile was sympathetic and understanding.

"I know how exhausting that must be." I frowned. I didn't find AV's continual inner monologue inside my brain particularly tiresome. If anything, I got a kick out of it.

Yes, because we are a team. I smiled. That's right, buddy. Wanda frowned again and looked like she was about to say something but was having second thoughts.

"I can't read your mind, Wanda," I murmured softly. She looked up at me again with a radiant smile on her face.

"I was just thinking about something. It's not important." I nodded, content with her answer and not wanting to push.

"Want to go to the party with me tonight?" I asked. Her smirk returned and she winked at me as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Come by my room at 8. We'll see." I grinned. Good enough. My eyes followed her as she left the room, and I smiled to myself.

Drink! When I did not move fast enough for AV's liking, a white tendril shot out, snatched the cocoa mug out of my hand and heaved it into our slightly widening mouth.

"Sweet tooth?" I gasped and immediately choked on the cocoa at the voice behind me, spinning around to find Natasha had snuck up on me.

Small ginger is happier now. I rolled my eyes.

"Want one?" I offered weakly, still trying to clear the cocoa from my lungs. I got the feeling that the stuff was meant to be swallowed, rather than inhaled. Funny, that. Natasha smirked and patted me lightly on the back as I bent over doubled, trying to catch my breath. Meanwhile, multiple white tendrils shot out, gathering another mug and all the ingredients as AV started making cocoa for Natasha. Natasha raised her eyebrows, watching but not making a move to stop or assist the process. Finally, one of the white tendrils slid a precariously topped hot cocoa masterpiece over the ex-assassin, and she smirked as she sipped the beverage slowly.

"Did you want me to come by your room before the party tonight? I can walk you down – I know you don't enjoy large crowds that much." I smiled before remembering that I had set up plans with Wanda already.

"Thanks, but I think Wanda and I are going down together." Natasha's eyes dropped to the ground, but she smiled.

"Good for you," she murmured. I was surprised by her amicable reaction, honestly, but relieved as well.

"But I'll see you there?" She grinned up at me with a familiar, brilliant smile.

"Count on it." As she sipped on her cocoa and made her way out of the kitchen, she smirked back over her shoulder at me. "Oh, and Tony likes party games, so be prepared." I rolled my eyes.

I like games. I rolled my eyes and waited until I could barely hear Natasha's footsteps before answering.

"I don't think you're going to like this kind, bubs. I've got a bad feeling about this."

We will be fine. You will see. I smirked and shook my head, digging through the fridge for a snack before grabbing a couple bottles of water and heading to my room. There were still hours before the party, and since I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep due to the conversation on the jet ride back, it was probably wise to rest up. No one needed me to be grumpy and sleep-deprived while attempting to play party games.

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