we all quickly changed into our bathing suits and went back into the water.

they played music on the speakers outside while we all played around with a volleyball in the pool.

ever since i joined this friend group somehow i've turned them into major swifties, so ellen played a taylor mix and we were all just jamming out.

the boys were all playing while the girls and i sat on the edge of the pool and just talked while watching the boys play around.

"so what's the whole relationship status with mr. rowden loverboy hughes?" chloe asked nudging my shoulder.

"i don't really know. things happened kinda quickly and we haven't had time to really talk about it." i said looking at jack in the pool.

"well now you both know you like each other, something's gotta happen now."
"i told him i love him."
"woah, what?"
"yeah.. i mean it was really out of the blue. but i was listening to music while he was cleaning my bathroom from my haircut and everything just came back to me. so he came back and i told him i love him and he kissed me and here we are."
"that's so cute." abby and chloe chorused.

i laughed and looked down at my lap from embarrassment.

"hey girls, we're going out on the lake, wanna come?"
"sure." we all said and got up with the boys.

we brought a speaker out in the boat and drove it around in the lake. the guys did some wake surfing while the girls and i watched. we all decided to head in the water a bit so i jumped in by jack.

he swam over to me and placed his hands on my waist.

"you're so beautiful..."
"uh huh, i look like a wet rat right now."
"i've never seen a rat so pretty."

i laughed and he kissed my forehead.

"hey, jack?"
"what are we? you know after..."
"well what do you want to be?"
"your girlfriend."
"ok, delilah, can i be your boyfriend?"
"so.. it's official."
"we're dating."

he smiled down at me before placing a soft kiss to my lips. i placed one hand on his jawline and the other in his hair as we continued to kiss in the water.

"ugh, gross." luke groaned when he looked at us.

we both pulled away and looked at luke before laughing. i swam over to luke and gave him a hug.

"i'm happy you're back, deli."
"well i never went anywhere."
"i know but it almost felt like a piece of you was gone when everything happened. but now you're completely back and it just feels so much better."
"what made you want to cut your hair?"
"i don't really know, i was really stressed out and wanted to change something so i decided cutting my hair was the choice. jack caught me before i did anything and then he did it which probably is for the best because he was more level headed."
"yeah, when you're stressed out there's no changing your mind."
"hey!" i lightly shoved his shoulder.

"i love you deli cakes."
"i love you too, lukey. now it's your turn to find a girl."
"yeah, right."
"i'll find someone for you."
"so now that everything's back to normal are you moving back home?"
"uh... i don't know. i might try to find my own place. connor said some things before i left and i don't think it's a good idea that i go back."
"you can still stay with us, dells. you're family we'd love to have you stay. plus i think my mom would rather have you there then the rest of us."
"yeah but you're all leaving for hockey soon so do i really want to be at your parents house alone?"
"i'm sure jack would let you stay with him. he has a really nice apartment in new jersey."
"yeah but i don't want to ask him that. i'm sure i'll be fine, luke."
"no you won't be, i'm asking for you." he said and swam away.

This Love~...                                       Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now