October 1988

28 1 1

Derry, Maine, was a quiet little town. Nothing noteworthy ever happened there, or so people are led to believe. Despite its unassuming nature, Derry was shrouded in mystery and tragedy.

Rain flooded the streets, creating streams along the roads. Dark grey clouds blocked out any light, leaving the town feeling cold and barren.

One house on Witcham Street housed a typical family, the Denbrough's, Zach and Sharon, and their two sons, Bill and George. The two brothers sat in the eldest's room, one staring out into the rain, the other folding up a piece of paper in bed, coughing.

"I'd come with you if I weren't-" a deep cough bounced around the room, "Dying."

"You're not dying." Another, younger-sounding voice said, dripping in as much sarcasm as it could muster.

"You didn't see the v-v-vomit coming out of my nose this morning?" The older boy asked, stuttering slightly, amused at his little brother's annoyance.

A third, much more feminine voice spoke, clearly uncomfortable, "That's disgusting, William."

Standing in the bedroom doorway, a petite girl, the same age as the oldest Denbrough boy, grimaced at her friend's words, wishing she had shown up a minute later.

"Eva!" The little boy cheered, rushing into the girl's open arms, quickly being lifted off the floor and spun around, giggles bouncing off the walls.

"Hey, little duck!" 'Eva' laughed, putting the boy down and ruffling his hair before taking a seat at the foot of 'Williams' bed, who was smiling at the pair.

"H-h-hi Eva, what are you d-d-doing here?" he asked, sitting up a bit more, subtly fixing his bedhead.

"Well, since you weren't at school today, I brought over my notes from class. You can borrow them over the weekend and give them back on Monday. I had to force Richie to go home and let me come here instead because honestly, that boy can't pay attention in class to save his life. Eddie was too afraid of catching a disease and Stan's notes are good but personally a little too detailed, and he wanted to go over them himself, anyways." She rambled, amusing the two boys.

"Billy's making me a paper boat!" Bill's brother grinned, gaining a smile from the girl.

"Okay. Go get the wax, Georgie." Bill said, causing the young boy to frown a little.

"In the cellar?"

"You want it to f-f-float, don't you?"

"Fine." He sighed, upset.

Eva jumped up, holding out her hand to Georgie, "C'mon Captain, let's go find that wax, It'll be like a treasure hunt!" she grinned, hoping to quell the boy's fears.

Giggling again, Georgie's smile grew as he grabbed the girl's hand, pulling her toward the bedroom door, and swiping a walkie-talkie off the dresser on his way out. Bill grinned, watching the two run off, laughing the entire way.

Slipping past Mrs Denbrough, who sat playing the piano, Eva and Georgie hurried into the kitchen where the door to the dreaded cellar sat.

Carefully creaking the door open, the two kids stood at the top of the dark stairwell, half expecting something to jump out at them. A sudden loud crackling screech made the pair jump as Georgie pulled the walkie-talkie out of his pocket.

"Hurry up, Georgie." Came Bill's voice, slightly distorted.

Rolling her eyes at the boy's impatience, Eva reached over Georgie's head, flicking the light switch a few times, getting no result. "Typical."

Gripping the railing, Georgie took his first steps down the creaky staircase, muttering to himself, "Ok, I'm brave, I'm brave."

Reaching the bottom, they split up, searching dusty shelves for the bottle of wax Bill needed.

"Got it." Georgie sighed.

His relief was short-lived as a loud crack of thunder sent the pair into a panic, sprinting back upstairs, laughing at the top.

Making it back to Bill's room in one piece, Georgie was quick to hand his brother the box of Gulf Wax.

As Bill sat at his desk, the other two stood looking over his shoulders, watching him carefully coat the paper boat, that now proudly stated S.S Georgie on the side.

Placing down his brush, the boy picked up the boat, handing it to his little brother, "All right, there you go. S-s-she's all ready, Captain."


"You always call b-b-boats 'she'."

"She." he nodded before wrapping his arms around the older boy's neck, hugging him, "Thanks, Billy," and giggling when the boy tickled him out of the hug.

Quickly throwing his arms around the girl's waist, and hugging her tightly, Georgie grabbed his walkie-talkie before skipping out of the room, "See you later. Bye."

"Be careful, little duck!" The girl called out after him before moving to lie down on her friend's bed, leaning up against the headboard.

"You two are adorable, you know that." She teased.

"S-s-shut up." Bill blushed as he stood up, walking toward his window just as Georgie ran out of the house, dressed in his signature yellow raincoat and forest green boots.

As the little boy waved to his big brother, Bill lifted the walkie-talkie, pressing the button, "Be careful."

Georgie placed down his paper boat, watching it sail down the street before running after it, giggling. Unfortunately, that would be the last time Georgie Denbrough was ever seen alive.

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