Part 11

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She was in the deans office, staring down at the older man. "Is he okay?" She asked, Abe huffed shaking his head. "Oh god. What happened? Why'd he scream like that? I knew he bottling everything up but oh my gosh!" She was panicking, worried beyond belief for the boy.

"Logan has been going through a rough patch as of late, I don't know know how much he told you but you messed him up. I'm sorry you probably don't want to hear that. But you were his only friend and you left him, Quinn he told you so many little details that he would never tell anyone. But you were the special person who got see Logan for who he really is. Then last night he got a devastating phone call, unfortunately in front of everyone he lost it."

"Where is he?" She asked. She needed to comfort him.

"He's in the janitors closet I assume." She immediately took off, sprinting pass her friends ignoring their yells at her, she ran towards the Maxwell hall, to the janitors closet.

When she got to it she stared down at the blue door, sighing as she did their knock code to know it was them.

"Please let me in." She begged. The door unlocked and her heart broke at the sight of him, immediately sitting next to him on the pink bean bag. He put his legs over her thighs and wrapped his arms around her neck as he cried into the crook of her neck.

"I just want to reverse time." He said, his voice was shaky but he pulled himself out of her neck to look at her eyes. Her pretty eyes. "None of this would've never happened if he didn't cut me off, I just want to go back to who I was, I miss everything about who I was, I miss you guys, I miss you especially. But no he had to cut me off. And I don't just mean my money. He left me." She stroked the back of his neck, playing with his curls as she listened to him letting her heart break as he ranted to her.

"After he left I looked at everything differently, you guys only called me when you needed money or at lunch you would just throw insults at me. Every girl I've been with expects something from me since I'm rich, I put the stereotype on myself years ago to be a rich jerk because I never thought anyone would think I'm anything else."

"So the night I destroyed your invention, I ran to the beach. Where I crumbled into a ball and fell asleep, Dean Rivers found me the morning after. Immediately taking me too his office and we talked everything out, so he took care of me. Made sure my head was out my ass." He let out a breathy laugh, sniffling. Then continuing his story,

"Then you happened and you were the best damn thing to ever happen, I felt so happy. Because you were around me all the time and then everything disappeared because my dumb ass couldn't tell you the important details." He shook his head and she put her hand to his cheek, making sure he was looking at her.

"You told me the important details, I shouldn't of tried to push you like that. I should never gotten mad at you, you are so important to me. Every detail that you share is important." He gave her a sweet smile, she knew how he was looking at her and she was giving him the same look.

"Then I moped around for a month. Putting everything I had into school and work, um then last night happened. I got a call." Tears started brim his eyes again, she could feel him shaking in her touch.

"My dad passed away." She was lucky she was so close to him because he said it so quietly.

She sat there all night holding him, they both fell asleep in each other arms after crying for so long. He went asleep feeling a little bit better, because he had his Quinn back. As did she.

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