Part 4

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The girls let go of their hugs excited to see each other again, high pitch screams being conversed. "Alright so tell me about your guys breaks!" Quinn exclaimed.

They both rambled on about how their trips went, Quinns thoughts wandered off to Logan and how she has too see him in an hour. She still had so many questions, her main one being: why? Why'd you leave?

She could tell Michael missed him, trying to click with James and Vince the way he does with Logan and Chase. But it was never the same, she would sometimes look over his shoulder and he would have Logan's messages up. Retyping the same message over and over again, can we talk? Dude what happened? Are you okay? Where have you been? You haven't been in the dorm in four days? None of them were ever sent, Quinn thought it might be a dude thing. They made her worried sometimes, she was never frenemies with him like zoey or Lola was. She hated him. But those unsent messages made her worry. Sometimes she'd catch herself staring at Reese from a far, she saw him after midterms trying to talk to Connor and getting shot down. He was often times alone. She hasn't seen his real smile in forever and sometimes missed it. Although with him as a friend she barely got too see it, but at least she saw it. Even if it was scarce.

She wandered if anyone else was worried about him, does chase know? She sometimes prayed chase would come back and fix everything. Make Logan come back. But that could be months from now.

"Quinn did you hear me?" Lola asked snapping in her face getting her attention, Quinn shook her head. "We're going to the movies at four, wanna come?"

"I can't unfortunately. Sorry." They both nodded not thinking anything of it. They all met up for coffee, with Micheal, Lisa, Vince and James.

Her eyes brows scrunched up as she saw in the distance Logan pull the Dean into a bro hug, grinning ear to ear. She giggled wandering what their deal was, the thought of the Logan she knew being best friends with their supervisor. Micheal shot her look.

"What are you giggling at?" Raising a eyebrow, looking behind him at the duo. His face falling then picking back up not even a second later.

"I thought it was odd too, he's always around him." Everyone else was in a seperate conversation as he told her that, "I've always wanted to ask him how that even happened, but I think it would be weird now days."

"I say you go for it. Hell maybe it would bring him back and he'd sleep in his room." He opened his mouth confused, then closed then said

"Wait how do you know about that?" She thought about telling him where he actually sleeps on those nights, but she shrugged.

"I saw it over your shoulder once, I accidentally saw you texting him." The two kids watched their former friend talk to the Dean, now much closer to the table. The Dean glanced at the group, sighing.

"See you at 7 kid! Hey make sure you talk to someone today? Just one person that's all I'm asking." Then the Dean walked away, leaving Micheal and Quinn dumbfounded.

"You should ask him." Was all she said and he nodded understandably. It was obvious he was concerned.

"Maybe I should tell Chase finally and ask for advice."

"You should at least tell him!" She whispered yelled. "He deserves too know."

They both knew that call would never happen, all the stuff they were talking about would never happen. Micheal was too afraid to talk his roommate.

"Guys let's play frisbee." Vince said, as they all agreed. For the last time Quinn looked behind her at a lost Logan Reese sitting on a bench, with a paper out lying it on a binder. Remembering how good he was at frisbee she thought to invite him, but didn't.

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