Chapter Twelve: Growth Potential

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I rubbed my face for the umpteenth time as I entered Hikarizaka High's main office. I was still reeling from the events of the night prior and had ended up losing a fair amount of sleep over it. Regardless of my circumstances, though, I had a job to do... "Afternoon, Himura-san," I greeted while hoping that I didn't sound as tired as I felt.

The look on her face told me that I failed. "Are you okay? You look exhausted."

"I'll be all right," I replied, hoping this time that she would let it pass.

"Well, you're cleared for entry," she told me then leaned forward, resting her forearms on her desk; fortunately, she wasn't wearing anything revealing this time. "Hey, listen; will you be free after school tomorrow?"

I almost chuckled; the way she phrased her question made it sound as though I was still a student. "Well, I have club tomorrow as usual, and the Angels have a performance tomorrow night. Why?"

She shifted ever so slightly in her seat. "Well, some of the staff and faculty are getting together for... Er, to socialize and stuff, and I thought you might like to come along." She angled her head. "You've been basically working for the school without any kind of recognition as far as I know, so I thought you might like to...I dunno, hang out with us?"

I blinked. "Will Koumura-sensei be there?"

"Not as far as I know," she replied with a shake of her head. "He retired at the end of last year, remember?"

"Oh, that's right." I had forgotten about my old homeroom teacher's retirement, much to my shame; the 'old man' had been an instrumental part of my high-school years, after all. I made a mental note to visit him. "Well... What time does it start? How long is it supposed to be? I might be able to attend for a bit."

Her eyes widened just slightly, and I experienced a sinking feeling as I remembered our prior exchanges, ones that had given me reason to believe that there was more to her invitation than she was letting on. "It's from two to four," she told me, along with the name of a well-known restaurant.

"Any particular dress code?"

"No no," she replied with another shake of her head. "Just come as you are; I-er, we'll just be happy to see you."

I thanked her, promising to let her know one way or the other before leaving for the day, but I left the office with a gnawing sensation in my stomach; I would definitely need to talk with Rie about the situation.


"Boss T!"


The lead singer for the Lords of Doo-Wop and I shared a laugh at what had become our typical greeting, and as I continued into the Chorus Club room I saw that, as usual, he sat with the other members of his group...along with Kotomi, surprisingly. Curiosity had me heading over to talk with my childhood friend, and along the way I saw the Friends for Life standing in one of the corners of the room and harmonizing, presumably warming up.

I arrived at my destination and knelt down next to the happy couple. "Hey, big guy; may I speak with my old friend for a bit?"

Hanzo's expression showed understandable confusion as he glanced from me to his girlfriend. "If... If Kotomi does not mind..."

She gave her man a fond smile that changed ever so slightly as she looked to me; still fond, but in a different way. "I would be happy to talk with you, Tomoya; would here be acceptable, or should we move to another part of the room where we can be seen by Hanzo but not heard?"

My smile broadened at her obvious attempt to honor her beloved. "Some level of privacy would be appreciated, but I have no problem honoring your desire for transparency."

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