Chapter Nine: It Takes All Kinds

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My trip to the school was interrupted by the ringing of my cellphone. "Hello, this is Okazaki."

"Hey, Tomoya; this is Hiroshi," the chipper voice of my GGI contact greeted.

I briefly glanced at the screen on my phone before returning it to my ear; when had I given him my number? "Hey, Hiroshi! What can I do for you?"

"Do you have a minute? I'm calling with an update about our investigation."

"I do," I replied while making my way to a bench just off the sidewalk. "Are you okay with giving me the information across a cell connection, though?"

"It should be fine; I should be able to get the message across without going into details; we've discussed most of those already."

I eased myself onto the bench and forced myself to breathe normally in spite of the sudden spike in my anxiety. "Go ahead and hit me, then."

"We've been able to narrow down the culprit enough that I don't think we'll need to do the 'rogue plan'." I assumed that he was referring to the plan where he would pretend to start a competing idol company. "The police have been working nearly 'round the clock on this case, especially after I told them about your situation. Without giving names, of course."

"I appreciate that, thank you."

"You're welcome." There was a noticeable pause before he spoke again. "Listen... How are you two holding up?"

I sighed heavily. "All things considered, we're fine. We're...keeping ourselves busy enough."

"Glad to hear it...if you get my meaning," he added sheepishly.

I did, and said as much. "My days are pretty busy with paperwork and scheduling, and I advise the club most afternoons. I've also started visiting the families of the members of my groups for dinner, which keeps my evenings busy. She's busy with school and club and – to a lesser degree – her concerts."

"Good, good. Well, just keep doing what you're doing and we'll do our best to close this out very soon. Thank you again, Tomoya."

"You're welcome. I'll just be glad when we don't have to do this anymore," I said, feeling a wry smile creep across my face.

He laughed loudly. "Fair enough! For what it's worth, I'll be glad as well. For the two of you, I mean."

"Thank you very much," I replied, unsure of what else to say.

"You're welcome. And now, I won't take any more of your time. Thank you, and have a good day."

"You too."

"Hang in there!"

I chuckled at his attempt at encouragement. "We'll do our best, Hiroshi. Take care."



I entered the club room and came to an abrupt halt at the sight of Hanzo and Jiro standing nearly toe-to-toe with fierce expressions, so I quickly started toward the pair, ready to resolve a conflict if necessary. "What's going on, gentlemen?"

"Ah, Okazaki-sensei!" Souta greeted as I drew closer, drawing my attention. "Jiro and Gouda-senpai are trying to figure out who has the lower voice."


"Yeah, you know: who can hit the lowest note?" he explained with a grin. "My money's on Jiro, of course."

"Of course," I echoed with a smile, some of his mood having rubbed off on me.

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