chapter 4

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The sound of slap echoed...

Anila: how dare you...

Haya : How dare she slapped my FIANCEE..

Till now murtasim was holding on everything and trying to grasp ,but this words from haya and slap to meerab  broke his all patience and he grabbed her throat to choke her...

Murtasim: I am tolerating everything, in grief of my buried love, but enough is enough,  I don't at all know what bull shit you spoke right now but, listen one thing very clearly,  meerab is of murtasim and same murtasim is of meerab ONLY, whatever happened at my back I don't care , but now I have come, so don't you dare to utter this nonsense again and not in your dreams try to hurt her... if she wants she can kill  me, it's her right..

Till now haya was red due to intense choking, nadia and anila tried to seperate haya from Murtasim's grip, but as if murtasim was not ready , waqas and rohail came running for haya after hearing Loud noises from lounge. ..
They forcefully seperated haya , who was unconscious Till now..

Meerab was blank she still had her hand on her cheek , on which haya slapped her , when  murtasim tried to find her, she was already gone with nadia chachi back to her room..

He sat there on ground and cried, cried loudly God knows for whom he was crying,  he needed a shoulder , who can console him, who can make him understand that everything will be fine, but he knew his meerab needed him, she faced this alone and now it's his turn, he was more determined now, to get her back , to get her smile back..

Meanwhile anila chachi and rohail took unconscious haya to another room and waqas stood there seeing a crying murtasim..

He put his hand in his shoulder to gain his attention..

Murtasim saw him with crying eyes and pleaded ..

Waqas : come with me I will tell you everything...

Waqas : murtasim please gather yourself as truth will break you completely, my innocent meerab has gone through a lot..

Murtasim: ( he gritted his teeth in anger but spoke very slowly )  I want only truth chacha Saab,  ONLY TRUTH, rest leave up to me, I am sufficient to handle everything for both US...

Waqas : when you left for studies , meerab was mere 15 years old, she was in school, till she joined college at 18 years, everything went well, but after her joing of college, things seemed to have changed, since it was among elders only that meerab and murtasim are destined together, although when meerab joined college , we have informed meerab about this as she should be aware of anything she does in college will affect her relation with you..

My daughter is very innocent she told this secret to haya, who in return got angry and came to fight with us, that how can they decide for meerab  as still their elder daughter  is  unmarried , we have tried our best to make haya understand that this was murtasim who chose meerab, not the other way, but jealousy took over her and she started thinking that meerab is a very cunning girl who snatched you from her , haya told us that murtasim before going told her to wait for him, but I ignored her thinking she is very manipulative might have misunderstood your any statement and also tried to make her understand that meerab and murtasim are made for each other and every family member accepted this relation...

Murtasim started thinking did he gave any wrong signal to haya and he remembered something like he told her to wait for a grand party may be his wedding and she can purchase whatever she wants when he returns but this was all in reference to his and meerab's wedding, haya completely took it in a wrong way..

Murtasim in mind ( ohh God what mess I have  created by mistake)

Waqas continued...

Whenever you came to Haveli, you never met meerab neither tried also, infact you contacted telephonically with haya many times but not with meerab...
Haya also manipulated meerab that you never loved meerab, it was just a mere attraction and now has gone with time..
When meerab joined college she started behaving differently,  remained silent, and suddenly one day Anas came home angrily and demanded that he wants to marry meerab...

It was a shock for all of us as we never thought he will be so aggressive in his demand, he even put gun and tried to commit suicide, we had no other option, and shahnawaz bhai also had political and image pressure...

But I was very clear not to have rukhsati of meerab till her education is complete..

In front of my eyes that man to whom I have seen grown up humiliated my daughter many times, but all limits were crossed when one day he pushed her from stairs for not bringing his tea on time and meerab got unconscious and  admitted to hospital ....

When three days back Anas slapped her and tried to molest her, she was saved by naurez and rohail , but she went into shock.. she didn't spoke anything after that incident,  even she is not aware that she is married to Anas and her husband has died...

She is not aware that she is a WIDOW now...

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