📚 Two Angels and The Kiss

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Small note. I headcanon Crowley as genderfluid which is why different pronouns are used at different scenes. I like to think that angels and demons can remember what pronouns someone went by no matter how long ago it was which is why Aziraphale changes the pronouns when talking about a specific flashback. :) 

No clue if that made sense but hopefully it will once this chapter has been read!

📚 Aziraphale's POV

He kissed me.

Standing in the lift, going up to Heaven, I can't help but hold back the tears. The Metatron was by my side, I couldn't ruin this moment by breaking down and crying.

But he actually kissed me.

I've been waiting for this moment for... for...

Too long. I've been waiting too long for this moment. Ever since Crowley saved my life and my books in 1941, I desperately wanted him to confess that he loves me and we can finally be together for eternity.

But now Heaven has given me an offer which I can't refuse! Me. Aziraphale. Gone from a traitor to the Supreme Archangel. I can make a difference to Heaven - change the system to make the universe fair for everyone else. Not just everyone else; for Crowley too! I can provide the Heaven which Crowley desired back when he was still an angel. I can't just miss this opportunity. I NEED this opportunity even if Crowley believes it's bad for me.

But I'm not stupid. I know it's not bad for me. This is good. Good!

I can finally prove to everyone that I'm a good angel. Not a traitor. An angel.

I just wish that Crowley was on my side. I was so excited to tell him about my promotion! I thought he'd be excited too. Just think - the two of us can rule Heaven together and finally make Heaven the paradise which we both dream about. Crowley used to be so happy long before he even went by the name "Crowley". I remember who he used to be.


"Sorry, what was that?" I looked over at the angel guarding me with her wing. This was many years ago, before the Earth was even created.

"You told me your name. I'm assuming you wanted to know mine," the angel beamed, not looking back at me. She was too busy staring into the magical world around us made by Kokabiel herself. She looked so proud of the star machine which helped to create the universe itself.

"Oh. Oh right," I smiled slightly, "How come I've never seen you before?"

"I was locked away for a while, helping to design this. I've not really been outside for... well... centuries. Oh look at that!" she quickly grabbed my hand, pointing to a star in the sky, "It's so beautiful!"

"Don't they all look like that?" I questioned.

"No! No, of course not. All these beauties are unique in their own way," she kept admiring the space around us, "But that one looks truly special. It's twinkling brighter than the others. I'm surprised you can't notice!" she was squealing slightly, clearly growing with excitement.

"Oh... well I don't exactly know much about these..." I trailed off trying to remember what it was called.

"Stars," she beamed, "Gorgeous stars! And what's best is that they don't need to rely on a creator. They're their own independent miracles! No boss to frighten them and tell them what's good and bad. No boss to scare them into believing that they will get punished or destroyed if they do even slightly wrong. They're just... free."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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