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"What do you wanna do when you grow up, L/N?" The teacher asked the little girl who was drawing a picture of a flower. The girl looked up at the teacher and thought for a moment.

She got an idea and quickly stood up. "My mommy and daddy can do all these amazing things! And I really wanna be like them when I get bigger!"

"Oh that's wonderful! Your mom is a astronaut in training and your dad was in the military, correct?" The teacher asked, making Y/N nod. "So you plan on doing both these things?"

Y/N shakes her head. "They do way more than those things! My daddy bakes really good cakes! My mom can heal anyone's injuries!" Y/N puffs out her chest. "My daddy can fight too! My mom can sing really well! I wanna do all of that!"

The kids in the class looked at Y/N awe as she mentioned her parents' skills. "They're gonna teach me everything they know! And I'm gonna go beyond that! I'm gonna do it all!"

"I'm gonna be the first person with the longest resume known to man!"

All the kids in classroom clapped and cheered for the girl, making her smile. A certain leek head watched the girl amazement.

Y/N sat down and went back to coloring whilst she listened to other kids.

A leek haired boy went up to Y/N as she kept on coloring.

"Hey." The leek head tried to get the girl's attention, failing miserably.

"Hey!" He tried again, the girl looked at him.

The girl smiled wide. "Hello!"

"I heard that your mom's an astronaut. Say... do you wanna help me go to space?" The boy asked, making Y/N's eyes sparkle.

The girl stood up and hugged the boy, catching him off guard. "Wh- hey! Why are you hugging me all of a sudden?!" The girl quickly pulled away from the hug.

"I'm sorry it's just... I was actually waiting for you to come up to me. When I heard you wanted to go to space, I thought that it'd be perfect if I helped you!" Y/N said as she bounced a bit.

The leek haired boy chuckled. "Oh yeah? And what if I didn't walk up to you?"

"Even if you didn't, I would've went up to you! But I was 10 billion percent sure you would!" Y/N smiled wide.

"What's your name anyway?" The girl asked the boy, making him look at her like she was crazy.

The leek head's eyes widened. "We've been in the same class for months!"

HEALING INCANTATION ; DR STONE (TO BE RELEASED OCTOBER 2024)Where stories live. Discover now