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About ten minutes pass by, Romeo Destroyer stomping out of the smoke and dust of the valley that held the Breach, heading on forth to the East. As they go forth, it seems there's no sign of anyone in sight.

"So where do we go from here?" Nick now asked.

"We go to Meridian." Braedey answered. "The PPDC recruitment centre is located there. We go there, we can try and find some components to fix the CB radio and boost the signal to try and call for help."

"Good plan. We might even run into that other Jaeger." Hayden added in next. "We might find a way to go on together to Sydney."

"Very well. Let's roll." Braedey announced. With that, he and Hayden sprint forward, Romeo Destroyer now beginning to sprint across the Australian landscape.


After crossing close to the Breach, as well as coming face-to-face with the Kaiju-Jaeger Hybrid by the name of Apex, Romeo Destroyer continues to walk along, heading forth to Meridian City to see what the three teenage boys onboard could find in the city remains. Onboard the Jaeger, Braedey and Hayden were both still in control of the Mark-4 Jaeger, all the while Nick is working on the communications and radios to try and get any word out.

"Any luck?" Hayden asked to Nick.

"Still nothing." Nick sighed as he sat there. "Unless we can find a good enough radio signal or something like that, we can't call anyone for help."

"EVA. How far away are we from Meridian?" Braedey asks.

"Approximately 30 minutes away given our current heading and speed." EVA reported in. "We should see the city up on the horizon." Braedey and Hayden now look on, and they could see Meridian in the distance.

"There it is." Braedey smiled, then Romeo Destroyer begins to stomp forward at speed and go on ahead. "We're one step closer to getting where we want to go."

"True. Let's go." Hayden acknowledged.

After about half-an-hour, Romeo Destroyer arrives in Meridian, but the whole area was like that of some of the other cities that they've already gone to: empty, rotting, abandoned, and nothing else. Cars overturned, streets cracked and broken, buildings collapsed and turn to rubble, and there seems to be nobody in sight.

"Nobody in sight..." Nick muttered. "Just an empty city."

"Let's take this opportunity to get what we need and get outta here before any Kaiju or even Shane's gang find us." Hayden suggested.

"Agreed." Braedey nodded, both he and Hayden now disconnecting from the control platform, then pick up the guns they stole from Widow.

After they disembark from Romeo Destroyer, Braedey and Hayden began to make their way off with Nick alongside going down the apocalypse-state streets. The streets were all silent, no sign or anyone around them. Also, there seems to be no sign of any Rippers anywhere.

"So far... so good." Nick said quietly to the two. "But one question: where are we going?" He questioned.

"The PPDC recruitment centre." Hayden answers back as they go down the streets. "There could be some old tech and whatnot that's been left behind that we can use."

"Good plan." Braedey nodded back.

Braedey and Hayden run by the remains of old cars and building rubble, eventually approaching the exterior of the PPDC building. They could see some of the building being damaged from no doubt Kaiju or even Apex when it tried to break in.

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