Chapter Two- Hunting

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Streak's POV

Streak ran towards the end of the tunnel made of an eye searing white light. "Of course with my fucking luck, I summon a spirit animal while hunting." A female voice muttered. Streak ran faster, muscles bunching and stretching until he reached the end of the tunnel. He continued running, antelope filling his nose while his instincts told him to run after it. As his vision cleared, he could see the antelope, darting just a tail length ahead of him, and Streak pushed himself to go faster and faster until he had closed the distance. Streak launched into a bound forward and stretched out a foreleg to grip the antelope's hind leg, skidding to a stop with the antelope in front of him, and he leaned down to snap it's neck with one clean bite. "Streak, and Streak's an alright name for you? Anyway, thanks! You're my spirit animal right? Thanks for recovering that antelope and giving it a quick death." Reyna, a human said. Streak panted and gave a curt nod, picking up the antelope, ready to head back. "This way, also I'm Reyna, from Okaihee." Streak lifted his head, parted his jaws, and tasted the air. A herd of antelopes were grazing near by. A hint of bullshit was in the air. Streak picked up the antelope again and followed Reyna. He dashed ahead a few times to show them that they weren't in charge and dropped the antelope in front of a house with Reyna's scent on it. Reyna knocked on the door and cursed. "Of course that stupid idiot with an asshole for a brain one, locks the door, and two, starts playing with that fucking fennec fox of his." She took a key from a bag slung across her shoulder and unlocked the door. Streak took the antelope and tossed onto the ground inside as Reyna grabs it and does what ever humans do when they catch stuff. Streak trotted around the house, picking up the scent of fennec fox, suddenly said animal darted around the corner and Streak blocked it with one paw and pushed it onto the floor with the other. "Hey let go of my fox you stupid flea pelt!" Streak turned to the new boy and growled at him. Satisfying backing off. "Streak, please don't growl at my stupid fucking dick of a brother." Reyna said. Appearing around the corner to glare at Streak reproachfully. Streak returned the glare and with head and tail high turned to go back but a sharp ringing of a bell caught his attention. Reyna appeared again and motioned for streak to follow her. "It is Ivan of Nilo." said a man in fancy Niloan clothing. "That's Pojalo, Abeke's dad." Reyna went to the middle of the crowd. "I need Reyna and her brother Joseph. I've been told of them." Once everyone one leaves, they arrive at Greenhaven arrives in a few weeks and there were already nine people there already. "Riley, John and, Eilene?" Ivan's voice trembling on the last name. Streak went forward to meet the other spirit animals.

Rue's POV

Rue heard a quiet murmur and then a white light appeared. Rue hopped forwards and the light fell away. "Cool a kangaroo! Now I have a crocodile and you have a kangaroo!" "Fuck! I didn't have a name ready for a kangaroo Beta! Help me come up with one!" "Fine, asshole." Beta retorted. "Kanga, Roo, Leap, bah whatever dick." "Fine, Rue." Another person, Dustin says. They go out together, to the beach. Dustin and Beta go out into the water, and Beta instantly summons Alpha her salt water crocodile, splashing water into Dustin's face. "What the fuck, bullshit?" Dustin curses while motioning Rue to jump in with a huge leap. Beta's face falls all the way down to her feet. "By all the fucking pieces of bullshit, I forgot your spirit animal can cause big splashes too!" She says. Dustin starts laughing until the water gets into his mouth. Rue looked at his summoner proudly. "I told you to splash the stupid fucking bitch for a human in front of me!" Dustin tells his spirit animal, who just splashes him again. Rue, still feeling very proud of himself, jumped onto Alpha, who shook irritably. A messenger came running up. "Beta, Dustin, get your spirit animals and go to the market square, there's someone waiting for you there. Your parents already agreed to let you join the program." Rue senses the messenger's pause before saying the last word. Rue bounded ahead before looking back at Dustin. Upon eye contact, Dustin suddenly sprang forwards, faster than Beta. When they finally reached the market square. A boy was standing there, along with Dustin and Beta's parents. "Dustin, I see you've summoned a spirit animal. Meet Jef, of the Ten Keepers." Said the male. "Hello, I see you took your time to get here?" Jef said. "Come on. Your horses are ready." Rue turned to look in that direction. They rode for a few weeks before a castle like building. "Welcome to Greenhaven." Jef said, and suddenly he looked like he was going to cry, Rue turned to look at where the Niloan boy was looking. A blonde girl stood talking to a blonde boy. Jef summoned a cheetah and ran, running at a super human speed. He skidded to a halt in front of the girl. "Eilene?" Jef managed to choke out. "Jef! You're back! Ivan got back yesterday. We've been waiting for you!" As the Keeper's reunion began, Rue went over to the other spirit animals gathered with their partners. Streak, another cheetah belonged to a girl named Reyna. Gigi, a red panda, belonged to a girl named Rei. Dune is a fennec fox, belonging to a boy named Joseph. Choco is a sable belonging to a boy named Ren. Hailstorm is an arctic fox belonging to a girl named Anuku. And Snowspot is a snow leopard partnered to a boy named Nolun. Greetings human and animal rose into the air of the courtyard in front of the huge castle like structure.

Boom chapter two. None of my favorite authors are updating. Sorry this should have come out earlier but, writer's block. Brain: WRITE ALREADY. Me: WRITER'S BLOCK. BLAME YOURSELF. Bain: FiNe. Please read Griff-Fanfic1933's stuff. The Ten Keepers are one of their series. They have a good one shot book, though I'm warning you, it's not done.

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