To all those people

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yes hello it is I once again so many people have been asking if it's ok to rewrite some of the chapters I have made and I've decided that it's completely fine to do so. Especially bondage. I thinkkkkk that was the one with intense sexplay..? Correct me if I'm wrong I don't remember tbh but hey if you writers out there who've read my fanfics wanna rewrite some of them then sure I don't mind at all!! :D and hey if you do end up losing motivation of writing, at least keep your own fanfics alive because ur fans and followers really love them and don't want them deleted! Trust me I know. I regret it so much but again I can't go back ☹️. But this message goes for all those writers out there! And  if you wanna write one day go for it! I've had some debate about writing my own fanfics once and in the end, I've gotten lots of love and followers and fans! But it took a long time, you'll jus need the patience too! ;D Anyway I approve to all those who would like to rewrite my fanfics!

Lots of love to all of you guys!!!


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