"And what is that?"

Ralen laughed on the other end, weighing whether he should even share his observation. Jordan had just stopped icing him after the Kim-Invite debacle.

"You definitely got some because you ready to go to war behind it." Ralen cackled loudly as soon as he'd said it.

Jordan didn't even have the strength to respond, with a small smile on his face he hung up. He'd knocked it out the frame, but Ralen didn't need to know that.

He needed something to do so he began making breakfast. Ivy said she'd come this morning after she sorted out some things with her job. So, she could arrive at any moment.

He decided on French toast and eggs. It was quick and he needed the distraction as well as the sustenance. As soon as he turned the stove off, there was a knock at his door. He wasted no time getting to her. Once he saw her face, he pulled her directly into his arms.

"Hey, you hungry?"

There was tension in his voice as he examined her. She couldn't overlook the care in that question or his eyes, he was asking so many more things all at once. Nodding, she closed the door and allowed him to lead her to his island before he fixed their plates.

"I'm sorry if I worried you." Ivy began as she inspected him, there was visible tension in his shoulders. Shaking his head, Jordan offered a small smile as he sat opposite her.

"Don't apologize butterfly, just tell me what's going on."

Ivy smirked at him fondly. He'd called her that yesterday but with everything going on she didn't catch it.

"You called me butterfly. Only my mom or Isla call me that."

"Yeah well, after you broke down your name it made a lot of sense... plus, butterflies symbolize beauty and hope, I read that on some website last night and it resonated with me.."

"But don't butterflies fly away? They never stay in one place for long. I thought that was your fear with me?"

Jordan shrugged as he took a bite of French toast.

"It was my fear, but I don't know, I'm taking a chance and I like my odds. So far, you always come back, you're my butterfly. I know better than to think I can make you do anything so I'm glad that you want to be here, want to talk to me about things. I have hope about us."

Speechless, Ivy just smiled at him before she sipped her orange juice. He couldn't be a real person, he was too sweet. Squaring her shoulders Ivy pushed her plate aside and exhaled.

"After I left here, I headed back to my apartment and my room was completely wrecked. I didn't mention this before, but my ex-boyfriend came to town a few weeks ago, apparently my ex-friend/roommate was giving him updates on me. He came to my job in the past, but I avoided him. He stalked me at a café, we exchanged words and he bruised my arm. I think it may have gotten worse if we weren't in public. His temper was always crazy."

Jordan didn't move a muscle, for a moment he just stared intently not able to figure out what to do with the fury building in his gut.

"He bruised your arm? How exactly did he do that and why didn't I see it?" Jordan's face was stone as he focused on her.

On a scale of Yara to Isla, he was past Isla's level of intensity and that jarred her.

"Well uhm, I tried to walk away from him and he kind of grabbed me and pushed me back down into my seat. I made sure to wear long sleeves that week or your sweatshirts so you wouldn't notice it. I didn't think anything else would happen." Ivy spoke honestly but from the way Jordan's cheeks were reddening, she could tell he was infuriated.

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