Chapter 27

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Randy's POV

I had a bad dream last night about my daughter.. Ive missed her soo much the past few weeks. The last time I saw her was about two months ago and Ive called her but that just isnt enough. I dreamed that I lost her kuz we were not spending any time together. I turned to my side and Brie wasnt there. I wemt to look down stairs and she wasnt there either so I decided to call her..

R: Brie
B: what
R: damn was I not good enough last night that your mad at me
B: hahaha no Randy sorry its kuz im at the gym
R: ooppp then nvm you get all agresive working out haha BIE!!!!

I hung uo and she sent me a text to go take Josie for a walk... you know im not really a dog person but this dog is Brie's life. She takes care of her as if she was her daughter. I looked around for Josie and she was asleep on the couch, Brie lets her sleep there but I hate it when she gets on the couch but If its Josie vs me , Josie wins hahahaha

R: C'mon Josie lets go for a jog

I put on her leash and i got one of my hats and headed out.. I didnt have a shirt on and I saw the girls staring and one of them came up to me

Girl: Hey
R: ummm... hey
G: what a cute dog!!
R: ohh her?? yea thanks tgats Josie

Josie just stared at her .... kinda seemed like a cold look.

G: is it a girl or boy?
R: girl
G: well she is so cute and you look cute as well walking with a small dog.. not many guys do that haha
R: umm I have a girlfriend

to my luck right when I said that I saw Brie jogging my way.

B: hey babe

She kissed me full on in front of the girl and then grabbed my hand

B: babe who is this?
R: babe this is ummm...
G: Aria sorry I didnt tell you my name..
R: yea well she was complimenting Josie and me on how we look cute together

Brie kinda stepped in her face.

B: im sorry but he is taken so go find somebody else honey
G: yea he just told me right when you got here you dont have to be a bitch about it!!

when she said that I got Brie and pulled her towards me and Josie was barking. I knew Brie was about to hit her..

R:C'mon babe she isnt worth it..I only have eyes for you

We turned and left and sat at a bench

B: that Bitch!!
R: haha Brie chill
B: well yea I mean I saw how she was getting thank god I saw you guys.
R: yea and dont try to blame it on me!! You were the one that wanted me to go out with Josie!!
B: hahaha no im not Bipolar either!!
R: right....
B: hahaha shut up and no babe she told me how you told her you were taken good job

She kissed me and we stood up and left. We went to her car and she drove us home and I started to talk to her about Alanna.

R: Brie I wanted to ask you something
B: whats wrong?!
R: its just that I wanted to know if it would bother you that Alanna would live with us for the summer.
B: well babe I would love that but you have to think that there is nobody at home to take care of her and its very difficult to have her around at the arena
R: yea youre right..
B: babe we cant go cisit her and spend a whole day with her if you want but its just gonna be a struggle.
R: I will..

Brie's POV

I felt bad for him kuz ik he loves his daughter soo much and now that he is not with Samantha, he doesnt see Alanna as much as when he used to kuz he is with me and I feel bad kuz I feel like im taking her daddy away from him.

R: hey Brie cancel todays plans kuz imma go out of state.
B: well where are we going??
R: no im going by myself to go spend time with my daughter.
B:: ohhh umm well ok...

Wow that was weird but i mean yea he can go have fun with his daughter while I invite the girls amd we can have a little girl time.

B: well while you are gone imma have the girls over for the weekend since we got them off.
R: yea sure just hurry home so that I can pack I already asked Sammy if I could stay at her place to be with Alanna
B: yea sure.

Why cant he just rent a hotel?? I mean its not that I dont trust him its just that I know she is still in love with him and who knows what she will want to do...

Trying to save itOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora