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Unfortunately this story has been discontinued, but i thought i'd give everyone the plans we had for the future of spellbooks. I am very sad this story couldn't continue but sometimes things just don't work out

This is all that was in the doc we had for future plans;

EXTRA- Prequel (parents time), 1st: 3rd-5th, 2nd: summer of 6th-7th, potentially a sequel if we continue to write
The story takes place in 2019, covid will not exist in this world.
Electives: muggle studies, divination, ancient runes, arithmancy, care of magical creatures, ancient studies, art, muggle art, earth magic, music, muggle music, ghoul studies, quidditch
Seven core classes in total (Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts) and two to three electives can be chosen

PERCIVAL BLAKER'S BACKSTORY: Percival was born in 1981, 12 years old when his parents' lives were taken (1993). He started to act out and was expelled from Hogwarts(How did he act out?) -pranks, disrespect, hexing? He was angry at Hogwarts for that and continued to build up rage. Soon confronted by people "minions" that also hate Hogwarts and teamed up with them.
Deep down he knows that his family would despise what he is doing.
FATAL FLAW- Family loyalty.
WAND- fir wood, kneazle whisker core, 15", stiff flexibility
BOGGART- facing his family
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE- Black slicked back hair, striking green eyes, slightly pale, Lil facial beard, 6'1
BLOOD STATUS: Pure-blood
Faceclaim: Keanu Reeves

LINNEA ROSIER'S BACKSTORY: Born into a rich family. Mom went to Ilvermorny, (house = Thunderbird). Dad went to Hogwarts. (House = Slytherin). She has a younger brother named Quincey who is 8 years old at the start of book 1. She loves him so much and tries to raise him right. Dad was best friends with his cousin, Percival Blaker. Her grandparents raised Percival when his parents died. Parents work for the Ministry of Magic. Mom used to be an Auror for MACUSA until she moved to England and was married. (arranged marriage) Linnea tends to try and keep things to herself only sharing things when she has to. The group doesn't know what her home life is. Just that she is rich, has a brother, and goes on lots of trips. Percival is Linnea and Quincey's godfather.
FATAL FLAW- Untrusting and overly suspicious.
WAND- Silver lime wood, 14 1/2", unyielding flexibility, basilisk skin core.
PATRONUS- Thestral
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE (1st book)- 5'7" her straight brown hair goes to her mid-back. Dark brown eyes, and olive skin tone.
BLOOD STATUS: Pure-blood
BEST SUBJECT OUT OF THE FRIEND GROUP- Defense against the dark arts
ELECTIVES- Divination, Ancient Runes, Art, Quidditch (Beater)
Faceclaim: Diana Silvers

OLIVER CAMPBELL'S BACKSTORY: Born into a big, lower-middle-class family. His dad works for the Ministry of Magic. Pretty much his entire family is in Gryffindor, except for a Hufflepuff cousin and himself. 1 older sister (Gwen, 17, seventh year), 2 older brothers (William, 17, seventh year, and Noah, 15, fifth year), 2 younger sisters (Isabella, 9 and Rosemary, 11, first-year), 1 younger brother (Jack, 8). Olive as a nickname. Social anxiety.
[absolutely not inspired by the Weasley family]
FATAL FLAW- Second-guessing himself.
WAND- Ebony Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, 14 ½" and hard flexibility.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE (1st book)- 5'6" He has fluffy, curly brown hair that he never cares to straighten or neaten, greenish-brown eyes, and tanned skin.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE (2nd book)- 5'7,
ELECTIVES-  Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes
Faceclaim: Dylan Schmid

ELIZABETH WILLIAMS' BACKSTORY: Foster child. Her foster family is mainly Ravenclaws. She has 2 older foster siblings who make fun of her and have that "better than thou" attitude, but they are only like that at Hogwarts. At home, they just ignore her and fake it when they have to. Beth as a nickname.
FATAL FLAW- Has too much pride.
WAND-dragon heartstring core, 12", unyielding flexibility, dogwood PATRONUS- Wolf
BOGGART- herself
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE (1st book)- 5'6, dyed bright red hair, green eyes, short unruly hair, very pale, covered in freckles
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE (2nd book)- 5'6 ½, Hair grown out but still 'short', more managed, curly, slightly more tanned, eyes more brown, hair now dyed a more natural shade of red but her roots now show dark brown.
ELECTIVES- Quidditch (Seeker), Ghoul Studies, Divination
Faceclaim: Lachlan Watson

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