Chapter 2

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Author's POV

Sanemi: So! That's the mother fucker travelling with a demon ey?

As the wind hashira says staring at the boy with the injured jaw while holding the box containing nezuko. A female kakushi tries to stop him

Shinobu: Shinaguzawa-san, please do not act out of line

Sanemi then proceeded to act out of line as he stabbed into the box with his green colored sword, as the other half of the sword emerged from the other side of the box, with blood running on it as nezuko had just been stabbed in the chest

Tanjiro: NEZUKO!

Sanemi: Hehahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Tanjiro: What have you done!? Why did you do that!?

As he quickly pulls it out from the box, pulling it out of nezuko's chest as the sword now had some blood on it. Tanjiro then grit his teeth and harshly glared at the wind pillar in anger as the sanemi just grimaces at him

Sanemi: What are you gonna do about it? Small fry

As tanjiro takes a moment to get up, and dashes at sanemi.

Giyaa: Kamado! Don't! Master kagaya will be arriving soon!

Sanemi prepares to his sword. As tanjiro rushed in closing in on sanemi. Sanemi quickly slashes horizontally at tanjiro but he saw tanjiro jump up dodging his attack. Sanemi then looks up as-

Tanjiro: GHE!!!


Sanemi: Ghak!

As tanjiro and sanemi both hit the ground. Tanjiro had just head butted someone, yet again. As tanjiro quickly gets back up and gets infront of nezuko's box.

Obanai: Even with Tomioka trying to stop him he still managed to land a hit on Shinaguzawa-san...

Sanemi: Bastard....

Tanjiro: If you don't know the difference between good demons and bad demons, then someone like you isn't worthy of being called a hashira!!!


Giyaa: (Y/n)...

Giyaa: (Y/n)

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As everyone looks shocked at the young man walking towards tanjiro, as he was giving out an ominous aura while doing so, readying his naginata

Girls: Oyakata-sama has arrived...

As everyone looks at the house

Man: Good morning everyone. It's a nice weather where having today, wouldn't you agree?

Tanjiro: Huh?

Tanjiro looked at the mans feutures, black hair, possibility blinded eyes and a purple hue on the upper part of his face

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