~.+A Dusty Start+.~

Start from the beginning

She passed through the wall and arrived at Platform Nine and Three Quarters, where the Hogwarts Express and many other students were already there, too.

(Y/N) lifted her bags and owl cage into the back of the train and entered the bathroom, instantly changing into her robes.

After she had changed into her Ravenclaw robes, she went into an empty compartment and sat on the chair. She sat there until the train finally started to move.

The Ravenclaw girl stared out of the window as the train drove towards its destination

It was raining lightly outside, and (Y/N) looked outside the window dreamily, imagining that the raindrops on the window were racing each other as they slowly fell down.

"Would you like a Quibbler?

A sudden voice startled (Y/N) to the core, and she turned around to see a girl with curly, light blonde hair, and some newspapers in her hands.

"Um..yes..?" (Y/N) said awkwardly, making the girl smile softly. The girl handed her the newspaper.

"Thank you." she said quietly, before exiting her compartment to the next one, her radish-shaped earrings dangling as she hopped energetically.

(Y/N) blinked, and folded the newspaper and put it in her robe pocket. (Y/N) read a book while eating some Chocolate Frogs on the way, and collected her belongings as the train finally arrived at the station.

"First years this way! Don't be shy! First years, come on!"

(Y/N) ignored Hagrid's voice that had once led her to the castle when she was in the first year, and headed towards the castle by carriage. She sat on it, and found that she was sitting next to the blonde girl.

"Hello again." the girl greeted her in a velvet voice. (Y/N) nodded back awkwardly.

"I'm Luna Lovegood, fourth year. You?"

"(Y/N) (L/N), sixth year."

Luna gave her a small grin. "That's a nice name." Her eyes then fell upon the newspaper that was in (Y/N)'s pocket, and (Y/N) swore that she saw Luna's eyes glimmer.

"Hey (Y/N)! Wait for me!"

(Y/N) turned around and saw her friend Cho Chang, running towards the carriage with a grin on her face. (Y/N) gave Cho a seat and the three of them sat together as the carriage began to move.

Cho didn't speak to (Y/N) as Luna, who was two years younger, was sitting next to them, looking at the front of the carriage the whole time.

(Y/N) was about to offer the two of them some Chocolate Frogs, but then-
"Aren't they beautiful?" Luna's voice broke the silence before (Y/N) could.

Cho blinked in visible confusion. "What is?"
Luna then suddenly shook her head. "It's okay. If you can't see them, it's not a problem at all. Besides...not all beautiful things can be seen with the eye..."

Luna trailed off, making the two senior Ravenclaw students stare at her, but not in a bad way. Just...confusion. Silence overtook the three of them once more, making (Y/N) want to read her book.

But thanfully, the second wave of silence was broken again, but this time, not by Luna, but by the other students as they got off the carriage and headed towards the castle.

(Y/N) and Cho got off the carriage and waved awkwardly to Luna as they separated, entering the castle, and into the Great Hall.

As she sat at the Ravenclaw table, she glanced over at the Gryffindor table, and got a glimpse of the famous Harry Potter, and his trusty friends.

Then, her gaze was broken as the first years entered at started to get sorted into their Houses.

But (Y/N) was unaware that another gaze was watching her with interest from another House table, and their gaze didn't break even as the first years came in, and as the Sorting Hat started shouting names.

"Hm...I know just where you should go. Hufflepuff!"

~.+After the Sorting Ceremony+.~

Books...parchment...UGHHHH!!! This was all so annoying. Sixth year already? It felt just like yesterday they had taken their O.W.Ls. (Y/N) sat back on the blue coach in the Ravenclaw common room.

Yes, she had gotten quite excellent grades and advanced onto N.E.W.Ts, but she was always overshadowed by a girl called Hermione Granger in Gryffindor.

But don't get her wrong! (Y/N) didn't hate Hermione. She knew that she was quite a sweet and smart girl. But sometimes..(Y/N) envied her.

In fact, she envied every famous student in her school. The famous Harry Potter, and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Along with the pureblood Draco Malfoy.

(Y/N) knew that she couldn't be as popular as they were currently, but actually, she didn't mind. Though she liked drama, she never wanted to be a part of it.

She wanted a quiet, nice life in Hogwarts. But it wasn't easy as Voldemort and the Dementors had tried to kill the students several times during the past years at Hogwarts.

(Y/N) sighed and tidied her books that were on the table beside the couch. She had been studying non stop ever since she had arrived back at the school, and she wasn't even bothered to watch the Sorting Ceremony.

Instead, she just read a book the whole time as the first years got sorted into their Houses. As she tidied her books, Cho came down the stairs and looked at (Y/N) with dark circles beneath her eyes, as she had studied for quite a late time as well.

"Woah, Cho. You look like a panda." (Y/N) remarked, smirking slightly. Cho didn't look very impressed.

"I can say the same about you, (Y/N). Come on. It's 3AM. Get some sleep, you bookworm." Cho said, making (Y/N) nod and smile at the same time.

Cho then looked at the several books that were on the table, and blinked.
"Do you need some help?" she asked her. (Y/N) shook her head, and grabbed her wand.

"No need-Wingardium Leviosa." The books that were on the table, floated into the air, and the two Ravenclaw students trailed up the stairs to their rooms to get some sleep.

(Y/N) set the books down on the floor near her bed as Cho snuggled into her own bed, yawning.

"Good night, (Y/N)." Cho murmured, before closing her eyes and falling asleep. (Y/N) yawned and wanted to sleep, but remembered that she had also wanted to read the peculiar newspaper Luna had given to her.

So, (Y/N) fished the Quibbler out of her robe pocket before she got into her bed, and read the unique newspaper, before falling asleep just as she finished reading the first line.



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