Chapter 1

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Iris Was probably the only reason the Rogue prince would visit the Vale of Arryn quite often. She was like his clone, with silky silver hair and violet eyes. Like father like daughter.

Both Iris and Daemon's relationship with Rhea was bad. Rhea always hated her husband and her child looking so much like him did not help with their mother- daughter relationship. It is needless to say that Iris loved her father way more. He had promised her a Dragon when Rhea wouldn't even name her heir to her legacy. She probably hoped for a son.
  Particularly one who looked like the men of the Vale. Daemon raised his daughter to be a fierce dragonrider. He taught her a how to wield a sword and enjoyed speaking with her in the language of their ancestors , even though she was only 8 at the time.

Iris was forced by her mother to act like a lady though lady Rhea enjoyed hunting and riding. She probably planned to marry her off to some lord. But that was not what the princess wanted. She idolized her father and wanted to be free like him. She wanted to embrace her inner dragon and fly as further from Runestone as possible

During one of Deamon's visits they had this conversation in High Valyrian. The advantage was  that nobody could understand them .

- Father, I cannot take it any longer.

-What is it sweetheart?

-I want to come live with you in the capital, mother is making me miserable.

-What do you need me to do, sweet child?

-Kill her, the child said with the coldest expecion in her little face.Tomorrow she plans to go hunting for deer alone. It can easily be made to look like an accident.  The narrow passages are dangerous... One could easily fall of their horse and Crack their scull.

- I am honestly shocked Iris. I cannot refuse you your wishes. I will do as you wish.

-Thank you father, I love you.

-Anything for my precious angel, I love you too my litle treasure. You always make me so proud.

And So it happened the next day as Rhea was riding of to hunt. Daemon assassinated her. He then took his 8 year old daughter and flew back to King's landing on Caraxes's back.

-Wow! The girl exclaimed as she saw the Red Heep from afar.

-You like your new home huh? Deamon said with a smile on his face

-yes father it is very beautiful! Just like you had described it to me!

-Are you excited to meet your cousins?


-Ok first we will go and leave Caraxes in the dragon pit, then you will met our lovely Family.

The last sentence that came out of the Prince's mouth was definitely sarcasm.
Hoyse targaryen was not known for its loveliness. But I guess to an 8 year Olds mind they would seem like they loved each other so much that they married their own brothers

The Prince and the Princess jumped of the dragon's back, Iris took her father's hand and they found their way in the Palace.

They walked a little bit in the gardens rand there they found Princess Rhaenyra.

-Uncle! It is a pleasure to see you back home safe and sound.
Then she moved her eyes to the little girl.

-Hello! Rhaenyra said in a happy tone.
You must be Iris.

-Yes that's me! She was so happy that her cousin new her name.
You are so beautiful Rhaenyra!

-Oh thank you Iris! You are very pretty as well, you took after your dad. I can tell you and I are going to get along very well.

The little girl hugged her cousin tightly.
Rhaenyra didn't expect it.
To be honest she expected the girl to be sad. A raven had arrived saying abou6 her mother's death.
"Perhaps she doesn't know yet" Rhaenyra thoughts to herself and hugged Iris back.

Hi guys!

I hope you like the first chapter of my story.

I am sorry but english is not my first language so I will probably make a lot of grammatical errors.

Don't hesitate to leave any ideas in the comments!

Until we meet again!

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