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 Alright give me a chance to clear my mind…okay.

 I learned from a wise man to start from the beginning.

 A war rages in my country, between two long standing countries. This is the story of how it all came to an end, how I finished the fight that shouldn’t have ever happened. Romance, action, drama, all of the key ingredients put into a tragedy. The war between genders that has lasted at least my whole lifetime, the war between Thatu and Karas.

 It all started with a very powerful king and very powerful queen from two different countries, yes, these countries were what we see as present day Thatu and Karas, but back then Karas was called Golden Moon Kingdom, and Thatu was known as Castle’s Kingdom. If they would have combined into one we would have been known as the Cloud Kingdom.

 The King and Queen loved each other very much, or at least, until one day when something set them off. No one really knows what it was that made them so mad, well besides for themselves. But they sent their willing armies after each other’s countries, and everyone from the ages of eighteen to forty five was forced to join the war.

 The scientists in both countries were forced to search to find a cure for death, so that there were more than enough soldiers to fight for these countries, but instead they found a cure for aging. Now, anyone ages twenty to one hundred ninety six is forced to fight. Well actually, no one knows how old they are now, they kinda lose track… So I guess until they die?

 They also found a way to make more children, asexually, and make them hybrid fighting machines. Not just that but they figured out how to make them old enough to fight automatically, this has only been around for a few years though. Before that they kept around some spare sperm cells and hormones to make women pregnant with up to six children at a time.

I was born sixteen years ago, (you would never be able to tell the difference of age between me and a sixty year old though), but I was forced to age quickly from the war. So now I am general of the A team, the best of the best, the top dogs of the war.

The only way I became a general in this short time is that I am a magic bender. I was weaseled in as general when it was found that I could control everything faster than every other magic bender at just fifteen.

There is many more teams than just the A team, actually we are classified as letters of the alphabet, and numbers are used to separate the difference in the classifications. The teams go like this:

A is the magic users, able to form anything out of thin air, control any substance, use spells to defeat the Thatu army. B1 can fire bend, B2 earth bend, B3 water bend, B4 air bend. After B4 is C1-C5 they are the snipers in this operation, after the C’s is the D’s, the marines, and E’s, that’s the normal soldiers, the ‘humans’. All of the new hybrid fighting soldiers are put in the E7 group until they prove themself worthy of higher, although none of them can bend.

If the Army teams 7-1, the marine teams 6-1, C5-C1, and B4-B1 can’t complete an operation, they send us, the A team to complete it. We always get things done, even if we don’t know what exactly we are fighting for.

But anyway, like I said earlier, this is a battle of sexes. We are all female in Karas; the males were shunned, and then sent to the farthest corner of the forest Napat. In Thatu, the females ran here to fight for us. We’ve been fighting for over five hundred years, the queen and king still going strong. Fighting harder everyday, we would use nuclear power, but sadly, that would destroy us as well as them, being neighboring countries and all.

Oh, shoot! I forgot, me, I have golden/amber eyes, light brown curly hair, tan skin, long powerful legs, nice toned muscles in all parts of my body and deadly magical hands that I enchanted to shoot poison into skin oils. I can kill an opponent with one stroke of a bare palm on bare skin of someone else, so I wear gloves most of the time.

I used to live with my younger sister, Misty Tiger, and my mother, Summer Tiger. My name used to be Dawn, Dawn Tiger. But now, I am known by Raven or General Raven on a more formal occasion. My old life was erased when I was kidnapped from my home in the city and taken away to fight.

After I was kidnapped, I refused to fight for anything. So every bender in the B teams tortured me with the elements, I was in such bad shape afterwards that they were forced to stop torture and just harm me mentally. It wasn’t until they showed me videos of my family being tortured in the same way that I had been. They told me that if I didn’t sign myself up for the army that they would send my family to Thatu to be executed by the men there. I didn't sign up fast enough, I resested too much. They were a great family, but the Thatu army killed them, with help from the Karas.

That made me a soldier, but not necessarily to Karas, I hated the Thatu army more than the Karas, but the Karas attempted to kill me and had killed my family. They took my childhood away and stripped me of my identity. But the Thatu had been the reason that so many of my team had been hurt. I would never forget the night when my second hand was stabbed, even with magic the chances of her surviving that night were slim, but I still hated the Karas army, they sent my family to be killed; they always got their way, even if it meant an AWAL general.

Okay, five months after my kidnapping, when I was better, I showed up at the A team meeting room, fifty feet below the surface of the earth, and introduced as the new general of the A team. I was cold for months after; I stayed silent until our first mission, sneaking into the battlegrounds to replace the B1 team who had been cornered by the Thatu army. We flew in silence but when we got there the fighting broke out and I barked away orders, after that we became friends, distant friends, but still friends.

As you have probably gathered the A team doesn’t get called to do much, actually we only get called every four or five months. So basically we just sat around talking and setting up battle plans all day. And because of this, the government decided to train us to our best abilities. They trained us so hard that it actually changed the way all of us think, we are like super humans now, our senses are so developed that we can react to anything that happens in the room faster than anything else in the universe…Literally.

Other than me there are five other members of the A team:

There is Saber, she has dark brown hair and eyes, gleaming white teeth, dark skin, a round face, and fair sized muscles Saber is the spell keeper, she keeps spells with her inside her necklace computer chip. You need a spell, she's the one for you. She knows every spell in the book, unfortunately, because her magic abilities aren't that strong... mediocre at best, she never gets to use these spells.

Victor, she has dirty blond hair, with light purple eyes, a slim body, and tan skin. Victor is the manliest of the team, quiet, but an awesome fighter as long as there is a bow or any weapon at hand. She tends to be aggressive with anger issues, bipolar even. She often gets pulled apart from a fight when inclosed too long.

Wolf, she is the strongest of the A team, she has pale skin with bright red hair, she also hates the Karas army, they killed her family and forced her into the fight. Wolf is always prepared and can come up with good strategies when not under pressure.

Blade, she is the best hand to hand combat, she is super skinny and looks like she might break if she gets punched too hard, but looks can deceive, she is the hardest fighter, not to mention her anger issues help her beat things to death.

And finally Fate, she can kill with just one word, if she says anything, anything at all, you can go under her spell, causing her to be dead silent until the time comes to kill. She can’t even laugh, one sound and everyone around her is in her trance.

I would always deny it, but I love these people, they are my new life, I will die for them if necessary, but I will still fight for Misty and my mother until I die. But still, these guys are the closest I have to a family now, they are my only friends. To this day, I can not tell you how much of an impact they have had on my life. I can only tell you about that everyone has had an impact.

Let's start about a week ago when everything started getting exciting

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