"Everyone keeps looking at me," His faced dropped, "what?! Oh god i have got something on my face haven't i?"

"No no thats not why."

"Teddy tell me." She looked desperate to know, it broke his heart.

"Look it might upset you though and you've been so happy recently." He warned her.

"Theodore Nott tell me the truth now!" He put her hands in his, sighing as he realised there was no escaping telling her.

"Fine, everyone is looking at you because.... Well because last night Bellatrix..."


"She kinda escaped azkaban."

Time seemed to stop for Athena. Everything around her went into a faint blur and she couldn't focus on anything. A loud ringing in her ears brought her back into reality.

"HEY!" She looked up to see a gryffindor a year above her and Theodore towering over her surrounded by the rest of her friends, "We all know YOU had something to do with her escaping."


"I mean i get she's your mum and all but shes an evil bitch." Another piped up.

"Excuse me?!" Athena stood up, closing the massive gap and getting in the girls face, "Say one more thing about my mother and-"

"And what? You'll kill us?" The main girl scoffed, "You're just like her i bet, you shouldn't be with her you're too good for her." She looked over Athenas shoulder, telling Theodore the last part.

"You better shut up." Theodore stood behind Athena.

"Are you threatening a girl Nott?" Another girl stepped forward, wand in hand.

"No I'm waring you, i never said I'd do anything," Theodore placed a hand on Athenas lower back making her body relax slightly, "And even if i wasn't with Athena i can assure you I'd never be with someone like you."

"Theres no point," the main girl grabbed the wand from her friend, "Her mums probably cast curses and hexes on her to the point where she can't even feel it..... right Lestrange?"

Athena took a sharp breath in before closing her eyes and slowly breathing out. She calmly walked away making sure to step on one of their feet on her way. Theodore started to go after her.

"Oh by the way," He stopped to turn to the group, "If you even look at her again me and the rest of the Slytherin's will make your lives living hells to the point where you'll want to leave the wizarding world."

He ran around everywhere, searching in every shop and allay-way looking for Athena. When he began to loose hope, a small figure in a dimly like corner caught his attention. He knew immediately it was her.

Theodore ran down towards her. She was sat against the frozen wall, in the snow. Her nose and cheeks a light tint of pink and accompanied by smudged mascara. In her hand she loosely held a half smoked cig, blowing the smoke out through shaky breaths. He lent against the same wall, sliding down to sit next to her whilst also lighting his own cig.

"Since when did you smoke?" She carried on looking ahead. He followed her gaze to see a poster of Bellatrix. Her hair was tangled and matted, her face plastered in cuts and pale as the snow on the ground, she was screaming like a mad man. Ontop of her read the words 'ESCAPED LAST NIGHT, HIGHLY DANGEROUS DO NOT APPROACH IF SEEN CONTACT SOMEONE IMMEDIATELY. NO ONE WILL BE PUNISHED FOR CAUSING HARM OR EVEN DEATH IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS!!'

"I wouldn't even recognise her if she was standing infront of me," Athena whispered, "What have they done to her?"

"Athena I'm sorry...." He didn't know what else to say in this situation.

Unexpected love (Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now