Chapter 16

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-Finnick's POV-

It's the night before the arena. The games weren't canceled but I never thought they would be. All I can hope is that Haymitch's plan works. I know Katniss and Peeta are supposed to be the priority but I'll always protect Amily over them.

Haymitch can kill me later but I can't put anyone's safety above hers.

We lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. She can't speak but I know she can hear me. Remembering her coma, I start tracing shapes onto her hand. She grabs my hand and starts immediately tracing things onto my hand.


I tear up at this. I've missed her so much.
"I love you too," I cry as I turn and kiss her.


"I know," I sigh. "We'll be ok. I'll be there to protect you."


"It's ok," I whisper in her ear. "I can't tell you the plan for your own safety but there's a good chance we will both make it out alive. Just stick with me and I'll get us out of there."


"I can't tell you," I sigh. "I know we said no secrets but you have to trust me. If it was safe to tell you I would."

She leans in to kiss me again.


"What are you sorry about?" I ask her, a bit confused.


I sigh. "No don't be sorry. It's not your fault." We're both crying now. "When this is all over we will start again and have a family on the beach."
She shakes her head.

"Yes we will," I tell her. "I promise, love"


She traces and quickly falls asleep in my arms. I try not to think about how this may be the last time we sleep together. The plan is going to work. It has to.

We wake up the next morning and say goodbye to Anchor and Phillip. I tell them to be safe and they nod their heads. Haymitch hasn't told them the plan yet but I think they've caught on to the fact that something is happening. There's too much unrest in the capital and they shouldn't wait till it erupts before getting out.

"Head back to 4," I tell Phillip. "Anchor can handle sponsors and Mimi needs you." He smiles before pulling me in for what may be our final hug.

I kiss Amily's head before boarding the hovercraft with her. I don't care if the capital people see anymore, and for all they care that kiss could be interpreted as platonic.

The ride to the arena is awkward as all of the victors are on the same flight. They won't let us sit next to our district partners so I'm stuck between Woof and the girl from 10 while Amily is sat between Enobaria and Gloss. They're staring at her like she's a meal and I wish I could strangle them already.

They insert our trackers before we land. I don't have a chance to say bye to Amily before we are taken to our individual rooms under the arena.

"It's a wetsuit," my stylist Garret exclaims. "Oh this is exciting for you!"

He hands me the wetsuit and the golden bangle that Haymitch gave me as a token to gain Katniss' trust. Amily's token is her engagement ring that is still in its necklace form. I'm also sneaking in the friendship bracelet that Amily gifted me a few years ago. It's still on my ankle and I'll tuck it under my wetsuit.

I put on my capital smile and pull on the wetsuit. Water means I'll have a distinct advantage in combat. Some of the other tributes can't even swim.

Shit. Amily is terrified of the water. Hopefully there's land around the podiums so I can get to her before we need to swim anywhere. I'm ushered into the tube and begin my ascent into the arena.

AN: Let the games begin!

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