Chapter 28

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This chapter is Hayazo focused!


Hanzo POV:

I sighed as I turned off my phone.

After I confronted Kagura about the incident, I hadn't felt the same with Hayabusa.

He loves Kagura. I know that well enough, but it still hurts to think about it.

I have loved for so long, it hurts to think he had kissed someone else. And it was on the day of the festival, the day he promised to spend time with me.


Hanzo stood impatiently at the stalls, looking around for any sign of Hayabusa. He sighed as he didn't find the ninja anywhere.

Hanzo bit his lip as he contemplated on looking for Hayabusa. Eventually, he gave in and started to walk, going to wherever his feet lead him to.

Hanzo remembered that the fireworks are meant to set off in a few minutes from now, yet he did not feel happy. Without Hayabusa, the moment would not feel.. good.

He stopped at a nearby cliff, it was far from the festival, but it would be easier to see the fireworks here.

Hanzo sat on the grassy cliff, his feet dangling at the edge as he looked up at the sky, awaiting for the fireworks despite being alone.

One. Two. Three.

Hanzo heard the blasting of the fireworks, blowing up in the beautiful sky.

It's vibrant colors reflecting in Hanzo's eyes.

Amidst the loud blasts of the fireworks, Hanzo could hear the sound of people gasping and children giggling.

Everyone would be in awe, of course, festivals are not a regular occurrence. They would have to cherish it while it lasts.

And yet, Hanzo does not think it's necessary to cherish it. After all, the man he loves wasn't here with him. He wasn't sitting beside him.

It wasn't worth remembering.

Soon, the fireworks died down and the people went back to enjoying the festival. Hanzo had even encountered some children going to him, which resulted in having to stop the children from falling off the cliff.

He had saved the tenth child that day, only for the child to cry and weep while muttering, "where is my mommy?!"

Hanzo sighed in response, he was never good with kids, but that doesn't mean he won't help them.

"Would you like me to help find your mother?" Hanzo asks the child, to which the child nodded eagerly.

Hanzo gently pried the child's hand to hold his as they walked back to the festival. Passing by various stalls who offered them samples of different food or just attempting to make people buy whatever products of food they have.

The child, although weeping, tugged on Hanzo's hand and pointed to a stall that sells dango. Hanzo reluctantly agreed with the child's request.

They went over to the stall and bought the child ten pieces of tri-color dango just for the child. After that, they continued their search for the child's mother.

As the child was eating the dango, they yelled out with their mouth full, "Mommy!" The child says as they let go of Hanzo's hand and rushed to their mother.

The mother embraced her child tightly, the sight made Hanzo feel quite warm in the heart. He had wished he could be embraced that way, yet he knew that it would be childish for his age.

The mother soon glanced up at Hanzo and muttered a "Thank you" before they walked away. Hanzo waved a small goodbye after.

As Hanzo was about to turn around and go back to the festival, he was met with a crying Hayabusa.

He had just dealt with a crying child, now it was his crush crying to him.

Hayabusa hugged Hanzo tightly, not utterring a word as he sobbed on Hanzo's shirt. Hanzo awkwardly pet Hayabusa's head in attempt to comfort the man.

After a few minutes, Hayabusa had calme down and wiped his tears, giving Hanzo the chance to ask him.

"Why were you crying?" Hanzo asks, his brows raised in curiosity and concern. "I.. I did something bad." Hayabusa mumbled, scratching his neck.

Hanzo fell silent, he knew Hayabusa wasn't always reckless, but he knew Hayabusa was reckless enough to be concerned about.

"What did you do?" Hanzo asks in a slightly stern tone. "I.. I kissed Kagura.." Hayabusa said, looking down at the ground.

Hanzo felt his entire body freeze, his hand that was previously petting Hayabusa's head froze in place.

"What..?" Hanzo blurted out, he couldn't believe it. "I kissed Kagura." Hayabusa repeated, a frown appearing on his face as he looked at the frozen Hanzo.

Hanzo felt his heart break in a million pieces, he took a deep inhale to control his emotions. "..I see."

There was silent, tension in the air. It was almost suffocating for the both of them.

They hadn't talked after that, not even in text.

End of Flashback.

Hanzo felt miserable, that was until he got a call from Kagura.

"Hey." He said drowsily, he hadn't gotten much sleep from schoolwork and what Hayabusa had told him.

"Hanabi wants me and you to visit her." Kagura spoke on the phone, Hanzo tapped his fingernail on his desk.

"Yeah sure.. I'll be there after school." Hanzo said as he heard Kagura say a simple "okay" then hung up.

Hanzo groaned, not wanting to go anywhere else. But he knew it was Hanabi requesting it, and Kagura will not spare him if he declines.

To My Dear Kagura.... (A HanaGura Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now