Misunderstandings (Little!Steve x Mama!Reader)

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"Shhh," Clint hushed him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Why don't we talk to Mama later? For now you can have a snack and calm down, and then we'll decide what to do next."

Steve nodded his head and began to calm. A snack sounded good, and he was getting thirsty too. Tony came to sit beside him on the couch and offered him a sippy cup. It was full of apple juice and Steve began tearing up all over again. That was his favorite, and Tony had remembered. He had never let himself be so vulnerable in front of anyone but Y/n, even when the team saw him regressed he would only sit in his mama's lap and hide in her shoulder. He was too scared to be judged, to be laughed at or mocked for needing this kind of care. But apparently no one had been judging him at all. His mama had been right. His teammates even cared enough to remember his favorite juice.

"Thank you, Tony," he said tearfully, reaching out and hugging the man tightly. Tony hugged him right back and let out a sigh.

"No need to thank me, kiddo," he whispered. "You're safe with us." He waited for Steve to steady himself before pulling back and grabbing the plate he band brought with him. "How about a special treat?" He asked, holding a cookie out to Steve. "I think you could use one, huh?" Steve nodded his head and gave Tony a little smile before taking the cookie.


Y/n felt like the world was spinning. She had turned around a few minutes after Steve left to find his lovey on the floor of her office. She had immediately realized what must've happened and was now on her knees in the middle of the room, holding on tightly to her baby's comfort item. She could feel tears gathering in her eyes and didn't bother to fight them. She had hurt her baby, there was nothing she could think of that was worse than that.

Thor walked into the office, intending on sharing the M&Ms he had bought earlier with his best friend, only to find her spiraling on the ground. "Are you alright?" He asked in a worried tone, crouching down to her level and smiling at the look of disbelief she gave him. "Sorry, stupid question."

"I yelled at him," she choked out. "He was little and he wanted his mama and I yelled at him." Thor realized who she was talking about and sat down on the floor beside her, pulling her close so that she could cry into his chest. "I thought he was big! I thought he was messing with me on purpose and I snapped!"

"You're human," Thor said simply. "Mama's make mistakes." He saw Steve and Y/n interact frequently, in fact Steve referred to him as 'Uncle Thor'. He knew better than anyone how deep the bond between the two really was, and as a result knew how much this must've hurt both of them.

"No," she cried. "I'm not supposed to make mistakes like this. I must have scared him so bad."

"Why don't you go and make it right? I'm sure he wants his mama now more than ever."

Y/n immediately stopped crying as she realized how frightened her baby must be. Her instincts took over and she stood up, hugging Thor tight and thanking him before taking Steve's lovey to the elevator and instructing Jarvis to take her to him. She was shocked to end up on the common floor and felt her heart break at the sight of Steve curled up in Clint's arms, with Tony sitting nearby.

"Bubba?" She called out, feeling more tears well up when he didn't respond. He was very pointedly not looking at her and there was an angry expression on his face that she knew she deserved. "Do you want your lovey?" She asked, praying that he would take it.

Steve snatched the lovey back but still didn't respond. He knew that if he even made eye contact with his mama he'd break down and start begging her to keep him, and he couldn't handle the rejection he knew he'd receive. Mama didn't want her Stevie anymore, there was no point in pretending otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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