" I insist." Retsu said, cutting the darker/lighter toned girl off. " As your friend I can't have you waste money on something that I could have helped you with." He spoke up. Y/n thought for a moment, oblivious to the man's real intentions. If he were to become your friend you'd trust his judgement more. And that would eliminate the competition. It was a shame you were oblivious to the looks by your 'coworkers' that practically worshipped the ground you walked on like love sick puppies, Retsu was no different. He was just better at hiding it.

" I wouldn't want to be a burden." Y/n looked up at him, making the man snap back from his thoughts. " You would never, now let's go get your belongings. Katsumi is my roommate but you can sleep in my room, I'll sleep elsewhere." He moved his body so he stood side by side with y/n, putting his hand on the small of her back not leaving any room for her to say no. 

Y/n only sighed in defeat, picking up her legs and walking in the direction of her home. If only she knew what dangers that would bring her because not only one, but two men were being let towards her home, Yujiro watching from afar annoyance bubbling within him.

✧ *。 Time Skip  ✧ *。

The apartment door opened revealing the cozy atmosphere within the apartment. Taking off her shoes at the door y/n neatly put them in the corner where another pair of shoes lied. Retsu currently had her bag that contained all she would need for the next couple of nights and days. He refused to let her carry it claiming ' As a respectable man I won't let you carry this, it might be too heavy for you.' 

As Retsu turned to close and lock the door, a bedroom door opened, revealing Katsumi only coming out with sweatpants on, his chest bare.

" Yo, Retsu. Why'd you-" Katsumi trailed off coming into the living room only to see y/n. " Katsumi!" Retsu exclaimed, " Put on a shirt they're a woman here." Retsu scolded. Katsumi's face grew red in embarrassment, he was usually able to walk around shirtless considering there were only two men living here and both weren't attracted to eachother. 

" W-what are you..." Katsumi trailed off, Were the two of you in a relationship? But you just got here. There's no way that-

" She got into a fight with a death row inmate. Because she decided to kill the woman-" Retsu gave y/n a side eye disapproving glance as if he were her father, scolding her for sneaking out. "-The police need to do evaluations on her house to make sure there was no damage on the property. So I invited her to spend the night here for a few day." 

Unconsciously, y/n's eyes wandered over to Katsumi's chest. She took in the sight before she stopped. 'Wait...are his tits bigger than mine?' Y/n thought to herself, looking at his before looking down at her own. 'I hope not.'

Katsumi's eyes met hers before his face flushed once more, relief and embarrassment flooding his body all at once's until he realized how bloody you looked. Even though your pants were dark you could still see the bloodstains from your victim. Dried blood from wounds earlier littered your skin but Katsumi said nothing about it, already too embarrassed that you'd caught him shirtless. Not to mention the bandages around his arm gave away that his body was still healing from his attacker. Katsumi nodded slowly before turning away and going back into his room. 

Retsu sighed, an oncoming headache already appearing. " Um...Where's the bathroom?" Y/n whispered. The bloodied clothes were starting to stick to her, making the girl feel uncomfortable.  " Right..I apologize. Follow me." Retsu said, leading y/n into the bathroom. Giving her a towel and her backpack. 

" When you're done, I'll take your soiled clothes and wash them. Then come to the living room. You'll need to be patched up." Y/n nodded as the door clothes, leaving her to her own devices. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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