In the beginning....

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" I wanna become a fighter!" 

A man around his thirties looked down at his daughter who had just excitedly yelled after running into his room. There was a moment of silence as the small girl looked up at her dad. The only thing that both of them heard was the sound of the grandfather clock in the other room.




The man soon smiled. " Is that so y/n?" He asked putting his remote down and sitting up. She nodded enthusiastically hopping onto his bed. 

" We'll-" Her father started picking her up making her squeal and giggle. He set her on his lap putting a hand on her back to support her. "-If you really want to do that I wouldn't mind bringing you to uncle Elie to train you." 

" Really?!" She gasped. Her father hummed nodding his head. 

" If you really want to go through with this you have to promise me to never hurt good people with your strength okay?" He asked putting his pinky out. 

" I pinky promise." Y/n said wrapping her smaller pinky around her fathers. 

" Alright then! Go brush your teeth and get ready for bed." He said picking you up and setting you on the floor. 

" Aww! But I don't want to!" You whined. 

" You have a big day tomorrow. If uncle Elie says you can come over tomorrow than we have to wake up super early and go get breakfast." 

" Can you read me a bed time story?" You asked giving him puppy eyes.

" After you brush your teeth and change." 

" YAY!"


" I pinky promised you all those years ago." 

Rain poured down on the people surrounding the tomb stone. ' RIP f/n l/n' it read. " I'll never forget that day... Thank you for being the best father you could be." A young woman said as people started to leave. The tears streaming down her face would go unnoticed because of the rain that had been pouring down on her. 

She wanted to give him everything . He had been through hell and back just to keep her. Just to keep her alive and away from her mother. The only thing her mother knew was violence because of her own trama that she decided to unknowingly project onto her child. 

" Y/n!" Turning around the dark skinned female seen her best friend who was running towards her. He had just gotten finished talking to one of y/n's aunts. 

" I-I'm so sorry-" He said giving her a hug. That's when she broke down. 

" Why did he leave me! I can't do this without him!" She sobbed loosing her balance and crouching down with her friend. 

" You can do this, I'll be with you every step of the way." Her friend said. His name was  Cole originally he was born a female but transitioned. 

" Remember when you helped and protected me when I came out? You've helped so many people who are willing to returns the favor y/n. We've got you, I've got you." He said lifting her face up. 

" The boats coming!" Someone yelled. 

" This is a bad time but we have to go." Cole said standing up. "You're moms coming and we need to leave before she gets here." He said helping y/n up. 

" You're right." She sniffled. Everyone on the island knew about the abuse. To the point where m/n was kicked out until you had turned 18 and able to take care of yourself. You knew she'd lay her wrath on you. Cole had advised that the both of you move to Japan specifically. There were more fighting tournaments for you and more opportunities for him as well.

" The second boat is coming." Your aunt said coming up behind the both of you. " All of your belongs are at the dock along with your fathers books." She said giving you a hug. 

" I'll miss you aunty." 

" I'll miss you as well. I'll call everyday to check up on the both of you. Don't be surprised if I pop up one day." She said smiling making you chuckle a bit. 

" Please take care of my niece she's like a daughter to me. Don't let her get hurt to much." Your Aunt said turning to Cole. He nodded thanking  Your aunt for giving you the money once more to leave and get the place. 

Soon after the both of you left the graveyard. Looking back once more your heart ached knowing that you wouldn't see your father ever again. 


Japan wasn't that far. It was around a four to five hour trip at least. 

Getting off at the dock at Tokyo Cole stretched as you pulled your suitcase off the boat. Cole frowned seeing your emotionless face. 

" Come on, I haven't slept yet." You said walking past Cole pulling out your phone to find the address. 

Cole knew that it wasn't right to make you cheer up. The funeral was yesterday, it was natural for you to be like this. But that didn't mean the he wouldn't try to cheer you up. 

Grabbing his back pack and Suitcase he ran after you. " I heard they had rice balls here. We can try some after the both of us get sleep." He said pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. Cole was pale and short. He was around 5'3 with half of his head shaved the rest of his hair was black and curly. He had freckles that littered his cheeks and green eyes. 

You hummed looking at the GPS. " That would be nice." You said as you both stopped at a curve for a taxi raising your hand at an on coming taxi it stopped for the both of you. " Can we put our things in the trunk?" You asked in Japanese shocking the male. 

" U-uh yes! Yes you can." He said unlocking the trunk for the both of you. Once putting your suitcases in the trunk Cole opened the door for you. Thanking him you got in and he did after you. 

" We're going here." You told the driver showing him your GPS and telling him the address. He nodded and set off. 

You leaned back and sighed looking out the window. 

" Hey, Y/n I know it's hard but-"

" Of course it's hard Cole." You snapped. " Please, just stop. Every time you try to cheer me up I feel as if you're giving me pity. I don't need any of that anymore. I know it's not your fault and your just trying to help but please stop." You said softly. " Thank you for looking out for me." 

Cole nodded leaning back into his seat. Silence washed over the car. The only thing that could be heard were the occasional pot holes the the tires came across and honking from other cars. 

You felt bad for yelling at Cole but it was too early to be getting cheered up. It was just yesterday that the funeral happened. 

You weren't good at talking nor communication but when you put your hand on Coles he knew that you were apologizing for the outburst.

Soon enough the both of you would arrive at your town house and everything will start to simmer down. At least that's what he hoped. 


So sorry for the angst but there will be more fluff I promise. Also this is what I imagine what Cole looks like just add some glasses and green eyes.

 Also this is what I imagine what Cole looks like just add some glasses and green eyes

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I hope you enjoyed! 💜 

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