Embarrassed or relieved?

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You guys...can y'all not spam me with pls updates? I've been gone for a month some of these writer be gone for four years ✋🏽😑   I got a life too. And it's gonna get even worse once school starts for me. 

Thank you ❤️ 


The next day when you got the mail there was an artical about you... 

'The strongest woman?' The front cover stated. In the shot there was a picture of you standing over two men with only a bruise on your body.

The picture was black and white but your triumphant smile was still noticeable. The flashing of cameras slightly reflected in your eyes as the referee held up your arm claiming that you were the winner.

Walking back into the house you went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Cole and your relationship was still on thin ice. Tension was in the air whenever the two of you were put in the same room together. 

You wouldn't have minded it if  Cole had an actual good reason. Hell if you had a decent relationship with your mother you would have opened the folder and closed it right back up. 

Getting out your ingredients you paused your movements hearing your phone ring. The sound cut through the silence other then the rustling inside the fridge.

" Hello?" You asked picking up the phone seeing that it was Katsumi.

" Hey miss strongest!" He joked making you crack a smile as you bent down to pull out eggs. ( if you're allergic to eggs then you pulled out bacon)

" I'm guessing you seen the paper too." 

" Sure did, and because of that I wanted you to come down to my dojo teach the students a thing or two." 

You thought about it while pulling out a pan for the pancakes and eggs/bacon.

" Eh...sure why not I've got nothing better to do." 

" Great come down in five."

" W-wait I haven't eaten breakfast yet!" You exclaimed looking at the open fire.

" Don't worry I'll buy you breakfast." And with that he hung up not letting you argue.

Surprisingly the Dojo was in walking distance. It was about a twenty minute walk. Standing outside of the Dojo you realized that there was only a few people walking up and down the streets. You shrugged thinking that it was just because it wasn't on the Main Street. 

Entering the Dojo you slipped off your shoes to see Katsumi and Retsu sparing. 

Standing in the corner out of everyone's sight you watched as Retsu beat Katsumi with only one his resulting in Katsumi getting a bloodied nose and Retsu only a scratch. 

The students clapped seeing that Retsu was the winner and the shorter male gave a small speech about Chinese Kempo. But that was soon stopped by a man who walked into the Dojo. 

" Excuse me gentlemen." The man said. He had white hair and a beard with almost pale skin. He seemed to be about in his mid fifties and around six feet. The room paused as the room's attention was focused on the man who had intruded. " Where can I fine Doppo Orochi?" He asked looming over everyone in the room. 

" First off, no shoes in the Dojo old man." Katsumi said irritated as the man apologized but upon recognize off his shoe he threw it at him and chocked him with his black belt. 

" You know it dangerous to play with these." He said sadisticly. You thought about stepping in for a quick second but that went away remembering that Katsumi was more then capable of taking care of himself. 

Katsumi was able to strike him making the older male stumble but but ended up striking Katsumi's eye making his eyes bleed making you cringe. Blood in eyes didn't sit right with you. It was something about that that made you wince at it.

As Katsumi tried to regain his vision you seen the man eye the broken floor board that Retsu had broken for a split second. 

Pushing yourself off the wall you pushed past some of the people to get to Katsumi. Maybe it was forbidden to intrude in someone's fight but if he threw that board hard enough Katsumi could loose his voice or worse. 

Standing in front of Katsumi you caught the board that was aimed for Katsumi's throat. Your finger tips were slightly scraped but you didn't flinch at the feeling. 

Gasps we're practically chanted out seeing that you had stood in front of Katsumi knowing that he was straining to regain his vision. 

" Why would you-" 

" Because your scared of getting ganged up on. I can see it in your eyes the flash of fear wasn't subtlet." You mocked making the man glare at you.

Getting an up close look at him you realized that this man was one of the death row inmates, Dorian.

" You're scared of people doing that and yet you do this. Your practically begging for i-"

Before you could finish your sentence he said as in front of you. Bringing up his fist you blocked his punch and dodged the second one. Katsumi was pulled out of the way by Retsu as others tried to see if his eyes would be okay. 

You were able to strike his chest hitting his left lung right underneath his heart making his eyes widened. And with that you were able to upper cut him seeing that he was frozen. 

It was a special technique, by hitting with the palm of your hand in just the right places you were able to trigger fear. Primal fear which was the name. By hitting him once he would feel two blows. Your fingers would hit and then your palm not only making it feel as if his heart stopped but it cut off his breathing in one lung making the victim loose balance from the lack of air the brain would be reviving. 

All thanks to your classes in anatomy. 

The man stumbled back but pulled out a lighter to burn you alive. Instead the flame go caught on your jacket making your attention turn towards it to get it off before it could burn you. In that time he was given enough time to escape. By time the others help you put it out he was gone making you curse. 

" Y/n." Looking behind you, you seen Retsu walk towards you. 

You already knew what was coming. Probably a lecture on not to intervene on others fights. 

But instead he patted your head praising you as everyone applauded. Some reconized you as others were informed on who you were. 

Katsumi was patched up while you stayed with him. Retsu sat with you as you made sure that Katsumi's head was propped up as he scolded you for getting into danger. In the corner of your eye you could see Retsu stealing glances at you. 

Retsu asked to see your hand to check on the damage which you let him. But what you didn't notice was the both of them glaring at each other. Katsumi frowned seeing that he was being a little too touchy with you not hearing Retsu asked to look at your cuts. 

'They're at it again' you thought to yourself. Looking at them from the corner of your eye.



Kaioh retsu: 49%

Orochi Katsumi: 56%

Sweet as candy ( Yandere Baki various x Black reader)Where stories live. Discover now